Herald Report


Herald Report

Custom Lightsabers Awarded






Training Lightsabers Awarded

ACO Julius Cordona

ACO Keba Ansu

Warbanners Awarded

Tyren is back from his LoA! He says he'll handle the WB queue that has accumulated in the last two weeks.

Dragon Con Is On! We have a good number of members making the trek to Atlanta for the Labor Day weekend convention. I would have been among them but - well - things came up. The members I know are there include Muz, Ashia, Shin'Ichi, Devani, Kaelin, Faeril and Kyrath!

A number of people told me about this one, and unfortunately it kind of happened earlier than these reports are posted.Still - it's a great story...

from the New York Post

In a two-state dog-and-wookie show, NASA suits met in California Tuesday with a fleet of "Star Wars" stormtroopers as Chewbacca officially handed over Luke Skywalker's light saber, which was promptly flown to Houston and then driven to NASA with police escort.

NASA is sending the 30-year-old movie hardware into space.

"On behalf of NASA's Space Center Houston, we're proud to take temporary possession of this great American movie icon," NASA's Roger Bornstein said as he posed for photos with a grinning Chewbacca.

Luke's light saber will log about 6 million miles flying aboard Shuttle Discovery on its planned October trip to the International Space Station.

Read any article you choose <A HREF+"http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8&ncl=1120013173">here.

Aye Im back from LoA for good and in full swing.

Sweet sabers btw...I likes shiney things :P

Is there any way that the HRLD Office could set up a gallery like one that Muz was creating so that the members can see the different sabers constructed by each member of the staff? I would love to know who made these sabers and I am sure others would as well.


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