To me it's a word that means a lot of things. It means family, friends, and people I'd do just about anything for. It means opportunity, adventure, and the pursuit of entertainment. It means potential. There is a lot of potential in Tarentum, make no doubt about that. Sometimes, though, it is unrealized potential. Sometimes, it is missed opportunities. I recently found a quote that I've really come to like, in the past few days.
"All speech is vain and empty unless it be accompanied by action." -Demosthenes (384 BC - 322 BC)
You'll see that quote on my Wiki, dealing with the "Invasion of the Vong."
At this time, allow me to introduce myself, for those who haven't met me, or are just not yet familiar with me. I am Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae, Consul of this great Clan of Tarentum that you are all a apart of. I have been a member of this Brotherhood for more than seven years now, and in that time, the only Clan I have been a part of is this one. I started out in House Gladius as a member, eventually becoming Aedile and then Quaestor of that House. I had the distinct honor of serving as Quaestor of that House twice, after which I became the Proconsul, and then Consul of this Clan (this was a few years ago). Afterwards, I served as the (last) Sith High Warrior of the Brotherhood on the Dark Council. After about 15 months in that position, I returned to Tarentum. This time, I served in Tridens, and eventually became the Aedile and then Quaestor of that House. After a while. I was honored with the opportunity to become Consul of the Clan again, and have been serving in this position for just shy of one year. This Clan is my home, and you people are my life in this Brotherhood. I am here for your benefit, I am here to serve you, and I am here to make sure that what Tarentum is can only grow and evolve into what it needs to be.
If you are new to this Clan, I welcome you. If you are a veteran of this Clan, I appreciate your continued service and dedication to what Tarentum is, and all that it can be. For everyone who is a member of this Clan, I am glad that you are here, and I hope that you are, too.
The Dark Brotherhood is an organization dedicated to online entertainment and activity within the fictional Star Wars universe. If you're here, you must like Star Wars, and you must want to be a part of it on some level. This is a good thing. If you're in Tarentum, it means you want to be part of a Clan that is closer than others. Tarentum has always been a tight-knit unit of members who want enjoyment and friendship above all from the Brotherhood. We don't always agree with each other. In that regard, we are exactly like friends and family. We don't always agree, but we do always support each other and care about each other above all. If you're looking for friendships that border on family ties, you've come to the right Clan.
Tarentum, we have a lot of work to do. We recently ended the Seventh Great Jedi War of the Brotherhood, the largest-scale competition this Club has to offer. As you probably have noticed, Tarentum didn't do so well in the overalls. And to me, that's extremely disappointing. We had a lot of members do very well for themselves in the individual events, but we failed to really pull together to gain a concrete victory in the overalls. What does that mean? It means we need to train, and be ready for the future. In Brotherhood competitions, the actions of one person means a lot for that one person, but means less in the overall scheme. For a Clan to achieve dominance and victory in the Brotherhood-wide competitions, we have to act as a team, we have to be united, and we have to make every effort we can to be active, to participate, and to win.
This is a time for training and preparation, Tarentum. I am planning to put together a Clan competition to help people get involved with the Clan fictionally, and to help practice our individual and team performance abilities. We need to work together, and we need to act as a team. This effort requires everyone, and I need all of you to help. I need all of you to be active, and I need all of you to start communicating with each other. We all need to be a part of each others' lives.
I'm going to be sending out mails frequently this week. I want to give you the information you all need to be successful, and I'm also working on getting the members rewarded who did participate in this last GJW. Again, I thank you for all that you did in the GJW. For those who need work, don't worry. We all need work. We can all improve, myself included. I am always of the opinion that there is always room for improvement, and that we have never reached "perfection." We hit points where we are doing good, but we also hit points where we're not so hot. Let's work on ourselves, let's work on each other. Start getting involved with the rest of the Clan. Use the message boards, use IRC if you can. I always have important links in my email signature, including the URLs for the message boards, as well as the DB IRC applet, and mIRC, one of the many easy-to-use IRC chat clients. If you need help, please, hit me up anytime. I am always ready to assist, and I try to make sure I can provide assistance within 12-24 hours as much as possible (for email turn-around time).
I'll leave this email with that. Expect to hear more from me tomorrow, Tarentum. You are truly a part of one of the greatest Clans in the Brotherhood, but we do have work to do. I know you'll all be ready to work on preparation and enjoyment with me on this. Have a good one, Tarentum.
-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae (Sith)/CON/Clan Tarentum
Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum
The Ghost Dragon
Bearer of the infinite kick assness
Wielder of the holy keg of f**k you
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