Welcome to another wonderful edition of the Satal Victus Battleteam Report. I didn't do a report last week because..... well I don't have a reason, it just wasn't done (so sue me). Anyways just read the report and be happy with it.
The Seventh Great Jedi War is now officially over. Sure we came in last place, but we still did a hell of allot better than we did in the last war so yay to us. I want to congratulate you all on the work you did for Plagueis and just great job everyone.
In other news, all the awards have been given out, but if you don't know what those are, check everyone's dossiers :P. I'm only listing Victus stuff this report.
Everyone please welcome ** Callus Bo'Amar ** with open arms, he recently joined Victus, so treat him well or face my wrath :P.
In other news, congratulations to DJK Vexer who has recently been appointed a Trainer in the ACC. I speak for us all when I say you'll do great Vex.
Lastly, participate in the competition I set up guys, please. I was going to save this as a surprise for the winner, but the winning fiction will be included on the Victus Wiki, so come on!
On to other things then.
One at a time......
** ACC **
DA Sharad Taldrya Hett VS JH Arcadian
Victorious: DA Sharad Taldrya Hett
** SA **
GRD Kyber passed Krath Core
JH Arcadian passed Obelisk Core, and Astronomy
** Awards & Promotions**
Here's what you guys want :P
PRT Tau'ra awarded Seal of Pain x3 and a Dark Cross
Way to go Tau'ra
GRD Caedo awarded Seal of Pain x2 and was promoted to GRD! Way to go!
JH Nariah awarded Seal of Pain x5 and a Dark Cross
Great job Nariah
DJK Vexer Thrace awarded Seal of Pain x3, Cluster of Fire x9, Crescent w/ Topaz Star and a Dark Cross
Awsome Job Vexer!!
OT Gaius Julius Caesar awarded Seal of Pain x4, Cluster of Fire x21, a Dark Cross, and a Steel Cross
Holy crap great work JC!
DJK Arcadian awarded Seal of Pain x9, Cluster of Fire x136, Crescent w/ Emerald Star, and a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star, as well as Promotion to DJK
** Transfers, Name Changes **
Out: Wuntila
In: Callus Bo'Amar
Name Changes: GRD Kyber to GRD Caedo
** Competitions **
PARTICIPATE OR BE KILLED! Naw, just kidding.....or am I?
That's it, any questions send me an email or talk to me on IRC or whatever the hell you want to do.....
Much Love :P
DJK Arcadian (Krath)/CMDR/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]
AC-ToSH / DC-CP / BN / Cr-3S-9E-3T-2Q / CF-PF / SI / LS-BL / S:-2D-2Dk-9P
{SA: KS: ToL - DBB - AS - ICQ - IRC - MSN - GL - LA - ACC - CM - SC - HS1 - HSII - PRH - O: SCORE - AST - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}
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