Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


* I'm going to try to get my reports out on Mondays from now on  

* Danial Goad has been appointed as our Aedile  

* Taldryan kicked ass in the GJW, nothing new  

* All of the GJW awards have been given out except for one (that was submitted today), congratulations to everyone  

* Goad and I are running a comp: write a short (1-2 page) fiction describing a funny situation caused by an unusual thing in Goad's luggage.  Submit it to your BTL, Goad and myself by friday.   

* I've been busy lately and I'm catching up on a few detail, if you're waiting for something from me please be patient; I should have them taken care of in the next day or so  


* APP Exodia Caeceus to Novice  

* ACO Julius Cordana to Protector  

* JH Daar Kareth to Knight  


* Seal of Pain: ACO Julius Cordana, ACO Zama, PRT Trivium Aurora (x4), GRD Eludajae M'Nar (x4), GRD Itachi Uchiha (x19), JH Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (x2), JH Andryan "Ace" Queldom (x12), DJK Malevolent Blade (x9), DJK Gobhainn Sgath (x14), DJK Daar Kareth (x9), DJK Ricco Vao (x9), KP Kara "Khrysthalia" Zor-El (x11), OT FireKnight, KAP Daniel Goad (x5), SBL Andan Taldrya Marshall (x5), DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor (x9) <--that's 115 Seals between 16 people!  

* Bronze Nova: KAP Daniel Goad (x3)  

* Silver Nova: KAP Daniel Goad (x2)  

* Cluster of Fire: GRD Itachi Uchiha (x46), JH Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (x1), JH Daar Kareth (x3), JH Andryan "Ace" Queldom (x53), DJK Gobhainn Sgath (x20), DJK Gobhainn Sgath (x2), KAP Daniel Goad (x193), SBL Andan  Taldrya Marshall (x6), DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor (x1)  

* Scroll of Induction: GRD Itachi Uchiha, JH Andryan "Ace" Queldom  

* Legion of the Scholar: GRD Itachi Uchiha, JH Andryan "Ace" Queldom  

* Dark Cross: JH Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius  

* Anteian Cross: DJK Malevolent Blade, DJM Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor  

* Steel Cross: GRD Itachi Uchiha, JH Andryan "Ace" Queldom, KP Kara "Khrysthalia" Zor-El, SBL Andan Taldrya Marshall  

SA Courses Passed:

* Julius Cordana: Conflict Mediation, ACC INI, DB Basics  

* Eludajae M'Nar: History of the Sith Empire III, General Leadership, Advanced Test of Wisdom  

* Itachi Uchiha: General Leadership  

* Zama: ACC INI  

Other Thoughts:

I'm really impressed at Archanis' showing in the GJW. We had 16 members participating (really 15 but Goad is part of the house now so I'm counting him too) and all togeather we earned 115 seals, 5 Novae (go Goad!) and 325 Clusters of Fire. I have to admit that I was a little worried that with all the new people we had in the house we wouldn't put up the best showing, but you guys made me feel like an idiot. I'm really happy to be leading this house, give us a little more time and Dinaari may have something to worry about...

Comps will be a bit more regular then they were in the past, so those of you who need comp participation and placement for your promotions should find things a little easier. My plan is to have a easy comp (caption, 1 word RO, 1 page fictions, etc) running more or less every week with a few more serious comps (real RO, 2-3 page fictions, etc) every few weeks. My near-infinite wisdom tells me that everyone doesn't like the same type of comps, but as it's only near-infinite I don't know what people would prefer to be doing and that's where all of you come in. If you have a preference for what types of comps you'd like to see the summit run then email Goad and myself and let us know. We'll try to accommodate any reasonable requests that you make, but if we don't hear from you then we'll assume that you don't care what kinds comps you do.

As always, my door is open to any questions/concerns that you may have.

Battlelord Andan Taldrya Marshall, Quaestor of House Archanis, Son of Taldryan, Viceroy of Volcanus

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