Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


"Fellow Ektrosians," the holograph of the reptilian Quaestor appears on the holoprojector, "The incursion has left of scarred, wounded, and broken. Many friend have died, many lovers lost. I assure you, this is the beginning of a new age. The Brotherhood is reforming, but these concern me less than our beloved House.

"During Chaosrain's rule, Ektrosis acquired large sums of credits from operations on Taruma, and our stores of currency are growing stale from negligence. A monument to our brothers and sisters has in my eyes become a necessity. We, House Ektrosis, are beginning construction of a massive facility dedicated to years of devotion to the Krath arts; we must remember our past, ladies and gentleman. The site has yet to be unveiled, but soon enough all of Ektrosis will back in the glory of this architectural wonder.

"There will be none like this, and I promise you that! Obelisk, Sith, Krath... unite under the banner of Ektrosis and stare deep into the eye of any that shall oppose us. The divine wisdom and intellect we hold is unparalleled, do not forget it. In these months of construction, you all will be updated on the progress of said monument, and its location will be released soon. For now, mourn the dead, but honor their sacrifices for us... they were not vain!


::§::: The Ektrosis Report :::§:::

-=||=- DB News -=||=-

-- Sign up for the CHL! Go to the ACC website: darkjedibrotherhood.com/acc and login, then click "ladders" and sign up, easy as that. The winner of this CHL will be in a "Final Four" type thing with the other winners in order to determine the supreme champion. It should be fun, so go sign up if you're an ACC fan.

-- Arcona CON is open, so apply if you really want to be made fun of Tal forever

-- The newest Grand Master report can be found here:http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=R:10389

-- Shadow is the new T:G, so congrats to him! They will most likely be some changes in the DB's gaming structure in the next month or so, so look out for that.

-- The newest Deputy Grand Master report can be found here:http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=R:10394

-=||=- Taldryan News -=||=-

-- New CON report, check it out here:http://taldryan.net/news.php

-- Goad is the new Archanis AED, so congrats to him

-- Clan awards have been given out, some including members of our own House:http://taldryan.net/awards.php

-=||=- Ektrosis News -=||=-

-- Vodo and I will be releasing reports on the stuff I mentioned in that in-character bit with each report, so stay tuned on updates

-- Everything is going along pretty smoothly, so everyone just chill out and do Taldryan comps until we get the big kahuna ready for Ekky!

-=||=- Promotions, Medals, SA, Transfers ,etc. -=||=-

Vodo Biask: Promotion to KP, good work!

Figzer: Dark Cross

Anga Salinas: Steel Cross, Crescent with Emerald Star

Bubbles Taldrya: Steel Cross

Hel-Pa Sklib: Steel Cross, Sith Core

Betja Jun: Dark Cross

Nexusmage: Dark Cross

Lostris: Promotion to NOV --> ACO --> PRT, Test of Wisdom, Crescent with Topaz Star (wow!)

Lokasena Corvinus: Anteian Cross, Scroll of Foundation

DarkAmiz: Legion of the Scholar

Alanna Taldrya: Bronze Nova x 2

Dark Sabre Taldrya: Bronze Nova, Silver Nova, Gold Nova x 2

Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo: Bronze Nova, Gold Nova x 3

Tirano: Krath Core

-=||=- Sklib's Random Thing of the Week -=||=-

-- As of next week, I'll change this useless section to "Ekky All-Stars", where I pick the most active and awesome person in the House, and if they get All-Star enough... they may get an award ;)

This week's All-Star is... Protector Lostris! Lostris has been on IRC, received THREE promotions, participated in competitions, done Shadow Academy exams, and just been a great example to other Journeyman. Good work, and I can only hope to see more of this

-=||=- Final Thought -=||=-

Cool House competition stuff is in the works, and it's fairly neat. It's a collection of competitions, so it's pretty large-scale and will be a huge factor in determining what Ektrosis' newest fictional elements are, so look forward to that. There will be a plot and everything, so think of it as mini-mini-GJW (it's only about three weeks long we propose). Get excited!

+QUA Sklib+

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