Welcome, welcome to the new, shiny report from your esteemed Proconsul. As you can plainly see, the report has finally got some graphics up on it, making it visually sexy and functional.
The one point I want to touch on this week is new membership and more specifically, mentorship. This club would go down the tubes very quickly if we did not recruit, train, and advance the future leaders of the DB. This job falls mostly to the Summits of the Houses and Clan as well as the Envoys, but I want to ensure everyone that they can actively participate in the training of new members simply by being available. If you see someone on IRC or on the Mailing list that has a question or concern, feel free to address it. If it is something that is major and needs the attention of the Summits/Envoys, please feel free to make sure that we have addressed the issue. We have a lot to deal with, and while that is not an excuse, things do fall through the cracks.
First and foremost, remember that this Clan is your Clan, it is not mine, Phoenixs, or even Sarins. You make up the membership of the Clan and are directly responsible for the success or failure. That said; lets get to the meat of the report.
Lucien (hey, thats me!) promoted to the rank of Obelisk Prelate
Angelo Dante promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight! Congrats Dante and wield your saber carefully, they are heavier than the training ones.
House Caliburnus AED Yzarc Rellik promoted to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight! Gratz to you as you venture forth into House leadership and in becoming a Master within Scholae.
Cerim Pthar promoted to Guardian. Congratulations and good luck on your trials!
Aro-Wan promoted to Protector. Good, now you can watch my backside.
Robin Hawk promoted from Apprentice to Novice to Acolyte. Wow. Just wow. Great job!
The following people were promoted from Apprentice to Novice:
Nihil Zayne
Dessel Shade
Malice Vek
Congrats to all. You are all one step closer to ultimate power!
Yadar: Cluster of Fire, Bronze Novae
Dakari: Cluster of Fire x 2
Dante: Silver Novae, Bronze Novae
RevengeX: Gold Novae x 2, Bronze Novae
Tyno: Gold Novae x 6 (Thats first place every single week of the GJW in the EaW/Other Ladder, no easy feat at all!)
Impetus: Silver Novae
Vail: Bronze Novae
Malaki: Gold Novae
The following people received Dark Crosses:
Impetus x 2
The following people received Anteian Crosses:
Traan Reith
Phantom Mandalore
The following people received Steel Crosses:
And these last two distinguished themselves by earning a Grand Cross of the Dark Side
Michael Arkaso
The following courses were passed:
Nihil Zayne: Dark Brotherhood Basics
Tacks: Marksmanship, Lightsaber Studies
Robin Hawk: ICQ, IRC Basics, Dark Brotherhood Basics
Toivious: AOL Instant Messenger
Dessel Shade: Dark Brotherhood Basics
Aro-Wan: Marksmanship
Sykes Jade: Lightsaber Studies
Traan Reith: IRC Operators
Luciferus: Starfighter Studies
Xathia: Weapon Basics
Davion: Lightsaber Studies
These are the newest members of the Royal Clan, broken down by House:
Korroth Karn
Valin Vhenn
Malice Vek
Dessel Shade
Cyan Bloodbane
Janack Barta
Phantom BENace
Corin Dragorath
Bat Fastard
Semaj OGraidais
Ventrii KVaad
Ora Irossvisosk
Bywe Kutar
Adonis Hathor
Kayn Shadowheart
Nihil Zayne
Robin Hawk
Ston Deleriun
Vectivius the great
Sorry, I thought I had a graphic for this, but it must have got lost in the transfer from home to work. Itll be there next time.
None Currently
Gaming nights are now being held every weeknight (Monday through Friday). This is a great opportunity to flex your gaming muscles and earn yourself some shineys (Clusters of Fire) in the process. All matches must be made in the IRC gaming channel: #dbgaming. Both opponents must be present in the IRC channel to compete.
So, dust off the CDs, grab up your joysticks/gamepads/mice and keyboards and go out there and show the other Clans that our dominance lies not only in writing, but in gaming as well!
The ICTE is short for Inter Club Training Event. This is an event held in the IRC channel #outerrim and is an event for DB users to be able to compete against some of our allies, such as the New Republic 5th Fleet in all DB supported games. Big awards can be garnered through this competition, held every Saturday. As with the Gaming Nights, both participants have to be in the IRC Channel for the match to be considered valid.
The Sunday Invitational Tournament is on hiatus until the new Gaming Tribune can work out the kinks. Be on the lookout for more updates from the T:G.
IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat and is the primary medium of real time contact within the Brotherhood. CSPs official IRC channel is #scholae. Should you not know what IRC is or does, please check out the DB IRC Guide
Remember, we are all here for fun. Harassment, put downs, etc. will not be tolerated. You are to respect all other DB members and treat them as you wish to be treated. That said, the only people allowed to ban other members for a legitimate reason are the Summits of the Houses and Clan as well as senior trusted members of the Clan. If there is no one around when the offense takes place, please email the Summits and we will take care of it from there.
Ok, so this portion of my reports will chronicle a bit of my real life. Here, you can learn about Lucien, the person, rather than Lucien, the PCON Guy.
So, I have my first child on the way. My girlfriend/fiancée/domestic partner is 7 ½ months along with our baby girl, whose name will be Maya Lynn, or Darth Maylyn. We are expecting a fully healthy, bouncing baby on November 27th. Pictures will be forthcoming after the arrival. This is an exciting time for the both of us, as this was planned from the beginning. We cannot wait for the big day and busily buying baby crap including, but not limited to: bassinet, clothes, blankets, stroller, etc. So, I am now accepting PayPal donations to offset the cost. Just kidding folks, I do pretty well in my job as a Staff Preparer for a tax firm in San Francisco. They pretty much pay me to be your PCON as there is not all that much work to do, which frees up time for the DB. So, in an instance, I am getting paid a hefty sum for being a Star Wars nerd.
That concludes this report from the Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae.
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, rants, etc., do not hesitate to contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or on IRC (nick `Lucien)
Prelate Lucien
Proconsul of Scholae Palatinae
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood
Grand Marshall of Judecca
Dark Senator of Scholae Palatinae
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