Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings to you all,

The last week has been fairly uneventful. Everyone is taking a well deserved rest after the GJW.

All the awards have been processed and noted. I’ve also told you many times how proud I am of Phoenix.

You must have all heard about my little hiccup with the CM.

In that matter I have already apologized to him. Hopefully this will not affect my ACC ;P.

Further, don’t forget the caption comp of Ektrosis on the boards. Their quite funny.

As well as the report of the CM that might be of interest to all who compete in the ACC.

That’s about all from me. Keep up the good work. As soon as I make JH, drink are on me =D


GRD Lokasena Corvinus.

Krath Tetrarch of Phoenix Phyle.


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