Consul Report


Consul Report

Aloha and good evening, Tarentum.

This report is going to be quick, but there are a few things I want to touch on.

1) The Clan Fleet Reset. As most of you should know, following the end of GJW7, each Clan was given an opportunity to "reset" its fleet, and basically cash in points for ships, as well as possibly cashing in current fleets for more points to upgrade, or just pick different ships. Tarentum took advantage of this opportunity to upgrade our fleet, even though we did lose some in term of numbers. Our fleet ends up being a little bit smaller, but in the end, we also got some pretty good ships. There is also talk of utilizing the reset spreadsheet for future opportunities of buying ships, shuttles, fighters, etc. These, as far as I understand, may be similar to the Sunday Tournaments; i.e. playing in the Tournaments gets us points for ships and such. As more detail becomes available about these future purchase opportunities, I'll pass on the info.

However, I wanted to inform everyone on what our choices were in this fleet reset. I want to thank Oberst, Donitz and Armus for their work, and their input on our ship choices. There were several options about fleet builds that we had, and in the end, Oberst and I sat down and discussed the final selection. This list is what will make up the new fleet for Clan Tarentum.

(1) Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mark II [new]

(1) Majestic-class Heavy Cruiser [new]

(1) Bothan Assault Cruiser [new]

(3) Belarus-class Medium Cruiser [1 repaired, 2 new]

(2) Delta-class JV-7 Escort Shuttle [repaired]

(6) Delta-class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport [repaired]

(4) Gamma-class ATR-6 Assault Transport [repaired]

(3) Lambda-class Shuttles [repaired]

(3) TIE Defender Fighter Squadrons [ 2.5 repaired, .5 new]

(3) TIE Avenger Fighter Squadrons [new]

(2) K-Wing Fighter Squadrons [new]

(3) Scimitar Assault Bomber Squadrons [new]

(1) TIE Hunter Fighter Squadron [repaired]

(1) TIE Interceptor Squadron [repaired]

(2) TIE Fighter Squadrons [repaired]

(1) Starwind-class Pleasure Yacht [new]

2) Ship Names. Along with the fleet reset, we have new ships that need new names. I am going to be submitting a competition for ship naming, which will give you all an opportunity to submit your ideas for name choices, and potentially be rewarded if yours are selected. You can submit as many name ideas as you want, but I would ask you to hold off sending in name ideas until you have as complete a list as possible; i.e. I don't want 300 emails with one name on each email. Make up a list of names and send them in. You can submit more than one list, but please, try to keep them on as few emails as possible. Submit them to myself ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and Korras ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and we'll take care of the rest. I haven't chosen an end date for this comp yet, but it starts today, and you're more than welcome to begin submitting names.

Please remember, in Tarentum, we have naming ties that relate to piracy (in honor of the pirates that once sailed the seas of Yridia II), as well as naming ties to death, and necromancy-related concepts (gods of death, disease and decay, etc.). You're more than welcome to pick any names you like, but we are likely to stick with names that have historical ties to the Clan, such as people, or the concepts that Tarentum surrounds itself with. Have fun with this one.

3) Clan Military Positions. Oberst has still be going over the Clan military. He has been wanting to revamp it, and so have I. One of the things that may change with it is opportunities to be involved in the Clan's military on a fictional level. We have commanding officers for our fleet/ships, as well as our army and its units. If you'd like to be involved, send an email to myself, Korras and Oberst. I would like to say, though, that this is not something that just gets tacked on to your Wiki, or anything. This is something that does offer you another rank, title, or benefit within the Clan, but does also add expectations to you. Anyone who is involved in the Clan's military (Army or Navy) is expected to involve themselves with the Clan's fictional activities. This means stuff like run-ons, competitions, anything. We want to reward you for your activity as much as possible, but we want you to be involved as much as possible. It's cool to be a Colonel in the Clan's Army and command entire regiments of Clan troopers and such, but it also means that you become an important person, fictionally, and you need to be involved with it. Think about it, and then become a part of things, everyone.

4) Rekio has put the old site back up on and I appreciate it. There is a lot of good information there. For Summits, there is an option to make news posts on the site. Get in touch with Rekio if you think you need access to it. Also, some of the information needs to be updated on it. We know. I'm working on getting some of the things tweaked a bit and updated.

5) Run-ons and such. I am going to be re-starting "In The Shadows II," a sequel of sorts to the infamous "In The Shadows" run-on that the Clan did a while back that has been pivotal to the Clan's powers and fiction. Look for more information on that to come, soon.

I'll leave this one there, Tarentum. Have a great evening, have a good week, and remember to get actively involved with the Clan. Email your Summits, and get to know them. Ask how you can get involved in the Clan. We'll help you find a team or a mentor, whichever suits you the best. Take care, ladies and gents.


-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae (Sith)/CON/Clan Tarentum

Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum

The Ghost Dragon

Bearer of the infinite kick assness

Wielder of the holy keg of f**k you

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