Taldryan's motto is something that everyone in the clan should live by: A brotherhood within a brotherhood. That motto is the reason why Taldryan has been the best clan since our creation; we stand by each other because that's what Taldryan is about. When we start fighting between ourselves things start to fall apart. Taldryan holds itself to a higher standard then the other clans of the Brotherhood because we aren't like the other clans where infighting and political backstabbing is common and even accepted. Taldryan doesn't do that, it's below us.
Lately I've been hearing of people doing these very things and that makes me furious. I understand that we all aren't going to get along all the time, but there is no reason why we should be talking behind each other's backs and just bitching about problems we have. There are constructive ways of dealing with problems and correct people to talk to about issues that you may have. The people to talk to are the Summit - your BTL, Gob, Goad, and myself. You can also talk to Chaos and Duga but it's best if you follow the chain of command and talk to the house summit before going to the clan level (unless your problem is with a member of the house summit, then the clan summit is the place to go).
The reason why the summit are the people to go to isn't because I like dealing with this kind of stuff, but because we can deal with it. One person came to me earlier today to ask my advice about a question and it turned into the person talking to me about some problems that they had with some things that were going on in the house and, to their surprise, I was able to help them in ways that they hadn't even thought about. This talk that the person had with me completely changed their mind about what they originally asked me. There is a way to fix just about any problem that you may have, but if the summit doesn't know what problems you're having then we can't help you. We're here to help, come talk to us instead of acting catty and talking behind people's backs. That isn't Tal and it isn't Archanis.
The only promotion this week was Julius Cordana, who was promoted to Guardian. Goad earned 3 CFs, Ludy earned a CR-T and Itachi earned a CR-Q. Congrats to Julius, Goad, Ludy and Itachi on their rewards. We gained two new members this week too, Apprentices Alkor Myhrr and Avahalla Dei
That's all for this week, please think about what I said. It's what makes Tal, Tal.
Battlelord Andan Taldrya Marshall
Quaestor of House Archanis of Taldryan
Son of Taldryan
Viceroy of Volcanus
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