No - I'm not gone (yet). Been on a sort of LOA for a while because of some family issues.
Here's a couple quick things:
FORUM STATS indicate that July 2007 was our most active, doubling the activity of the second highest month. I'm thinking the GJW had something to do with it, but other months don't reflect as significant a jump. July 3rd was a huge day, with 311 posts.
BANTHA TRACKS ONLINE (the official Lucasfilm Newsletter) has an article talking about Dragon*Con in their September 19th issue.
CLICK HERE for a link to a two-part article where George Lucas talked to TV GUIDE. The second half has him mentioning the upcoming TV show.
FAMILY GUY: BLUE HARVEST, the one-hour FG tribute to Star Wars, is hitting the airwaves this Sunday. Check your listings.
HERE is an article with a very cool poster.
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Nothing about projects? Graphics? Warbanners? Anything?
Yeah that does seem odd. There is nothing that involves the Role of Herald in here like banners, sabers, robes etc.
For the better part of three years, one aspect of the Herald's job has been collecting and dispersing Star Wars news through his reports. He collects little tidbits of information and pushes them out to us.
I appreciate it -- I didn't know about the Family Guy thing.
As for the rest of the stuff, as he said at the top of his report, Kaine has been on an LoA. I'm sure he'll have links for you next time.
Thats acceptable i guess, if you put into consideration about all of his RL stuff thats been goin' on.
Actually, Jac lies. It has not been part of the Herald's job for some years now.
What it had been originally, though, was a practice of Kaine's, because he liked knowing this stuff, and he figured other people did, too. And, because people would randomly make news posts abut Star Wars info, he decided he'd just go ahead and take care of it all, and has asked people to send him said info just to make sure it gets put up.
The practice has continued for a while, and is just not generally accepted as "something Kaine does." I wouldn't even attribute it to "the Herald." Who knows what will happen after Kaine leaves this time. Which, if he goes according to trend, will be in another four years or so.
Actually, it is the HRLD's job because as Grand Master I made it part of the Herald's job. When I saw Kaine doing it I said "Hey. I like that, let's make it part of the Herald's job." I can go back and pull out the emails if it's really necessary. I can even go back and pull out the discussions I had with Cyris about it since he didn't want to do it. This was all after you weren't on the DC, so I'm not surprised you didn't know.
If you want even more proof you will notice that a while back we added "NOTICE Please do not post Star Wars news items. Send all Star Wars news to the Herald for inclusion in his report." below the Add News form. It says "Herald," not "Kaine."
Sooooo stfu.
This just proves that Jac lies. He always comes up with good excuses.