Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Commander report

Pointing towards a co-ordinate on a map. Looking at his Quaestor then to his two flights leaders who both nodded looking at the target. Preparations were coming together for the first Black ops mission the Team would be going on.

“So that is where we will strike, we will hit hard and fast” The words echoed around the little room.

Malaki and Archangel stood next to their commander. Each of the members were looking at the map in front of them and searching it looking for advantages in it.

“We will prepare right away” with out another word the three members walked out of Rasilvenaira office leaving her there looking at the map.



Ok I have only three areas I would like you guys to look into, first one is the Antei Combat Centre of course, second one is gaming try to game once in a while, third one is Competitions try and get going again people.


To be fair there isn’t that much gossip this week going on. So that really doesn’t give me much to say. Oh apart from do the competitions for the battle team people come on you get a shine if you win.


Congratulations to all those people who earned a medal this week well done to you all. The following people were awarded medals this week:

Malaki: Bronze Nova

Phantom: Bronze Nova

Archangel: Crescent with Emerald Star


Below are links to the following competitions running:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2854,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2855

Please participate







Random Thoughts:

Who wins a war, could also lose a war against himself.

Cethgus out

Commander of Souls of Darkness

Ward of the North

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