Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hel-Pa heard the hiss of the airlock open, and walked into one of Taldryan's unnamed capital ships it had recently acquired after the Incursion. Impressive... he thought; the Nebula-Class ship was massive and overwhelming, surely no Clan would ever cross paths with Taldryan again. The reports of the Library of Lears were filtering in to him, but at the moment it was of little concern to him. Sklib was a fighter, and would have much rather seen the construction of an arena similar to the Antei Combat Centre, or some other facility where he and other could hone their skills in combat... not read books all day.

Vodo had recently updated Hel-Pa on the library's progress, and it was nearly complete. _Only a few more weeks, master..." _he remembered his Aedile saying to him. Surely Consul Duga would be pleased with Ektrosis' project, and Hel-Pa knew Chaosrain would appreciate the Library his old House had constructed.

He had received messages from the Battleteam Leaders of rumors that there were saboteurs among them, and this concerned the Quaestor. While only rumors, the Brotherhood had just been crippled by the Yuuzhan Vong, leaving them vulnerable for a final strike. The Library was to be Ektrosis' proud and joy, and Hel-Pa knew Vodo would not let anything happen to it... and if he did, he knew what he had coming from his immediate superior.

::§::: The Ektrosis Report :::§:::

-=||=- DB News -=||=-

-- Clone Amnesty has ended, so if you've got a clone... run

-- Allegiance has been removed as an official Brotherhood platform

-- Jac has implemented new dossiers and administrative tools into the DB website, go check them out

-- If you're going to get Halo 3, participate in the DB competition by posting your xbox Live gamertag here: http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4956

-- A whole bunch of reports from various people have been released, so I won't post all the links here. Just go to the main DB news page and check them all out

-- A new gaming forum can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showforum=92

-=||=- Taldryan News -=||=-

-- The Tallys are being voted, so wish everyone good luck!

-- The Murder Mystery League team has been comprised, but I believe if you still want in, you can contact Alanna and see what's up with it

-=||=- Ektrosis News -=||=-

-- Vodo and I will be releasing reports on the stuff I mentioned in that in-character bit with each report, so stay tuned on updates

-- A few competitions have been done here and there, so keep checking your inboxes for new competitions from members

-- Vodo is going start a new competition, details can be found here: http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&filter=upcoming&ID=2868

-=||=- Promotions, Medals, SA, Transfers ,etc. -=||=-

Tirano: Conflict Meditation, Cluster of Fire x 4

Bubbles: Silver Nova

Sklib: Silver Nova

Anga: Silver Nova, Topaz Crescent,

Alanna: Silver Nova

Lokasena: Silver Nova, Emerald Crescent, Promoted to Jedi Hunter

Vodo: Silver Nova, Quartz Crescent, Cluster of Fire x 4

Figzer: Silver Nova

Komari: Silver Nova

Vardar: Silver Nova

Anubis Kahn: Leadership Fundamentals

Amiz: Cluster of Fire x 5

-=||=- Sklib's Ekky All-Star! -=||=-

This week's All-Star is... Jedi Hunter Lokasena! Sena has been an active BTL, been promoted to JH, earned first place in the caption contest, and is overall a great member of Ektrosis. Good work!

-=||=- Final Thought -=||=-

Vodo and I are shooting for October 1 as our starting date for the big series of competitions we have planned, so keep reading our reports to get updated on the fictional aspect behind it. Keep up the good work everyone!

+QUA Sklib+

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