Taldryan Consul Report #25
September 23rd, 2007 - OPM Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Greetings to everyone,
This month has been moving pretty fast which is a good and bad thing. I hope everyone has had time to rest from the Great Jedi War. We'll be hitting more competitions and things now, so read on!
====== Happenings ======
1) Clan Taldryan Tally's: Last Vote
We are still on phase two of the voting as Benevolent emailed out several days ago. Right now all the categories open are very, VERY close. If you have not voted yet in this second round of it, do so now. Hoping we can get done with these in another day or so and announce the winners. All you have to do for those lost is go to the Clan website, login or register if you haven't, then in the Admin page click on the Tally's link.
2) New Taldryan Fleet
Grand Master Sarin has yet to announce the new Fleets of the Brotherhood, but several Clans have done so via reports, forums, or the wiki. I'm going to go ahead and release ours as of now to you all. Thanks to some help and input from Shadow, Chaos, Halc, Jac, and Ben as we went over this. We will have the most balanced fleet around, and a might strong one. Our fighter/bomber numbers are about cut in half of what we had, but most of those were very old ships. This is a great improvement however you look at it.
1 Cotelin-class Star Destroyer (new)
1 Majestic Class Heavy Cruiser (new)
1 Bothan Assault Cruiser (new)
2 Vindicator-class Heavy Cruisers (new)
1 Modified Immobilizer 418 Cruiser (repaired)
2 Lancer-class Frigates (new)
1 Star Galleon-class Frigate (new)
2 Corellian Gunships (new)
2 TIE Defender Squadrons (new)
2 Xm-1 Beta-Class Missile Boat Squadrons (new)
1 Hyperion-class Modified Starfighter Squadron (repaired)
5 TIE Avenger Squadrons (new)
2 B-Wing Squadrons (new)
2 Scimitar Assault Bomber Squadrons (1.5 new)
4 TIE Hunter Squadrons (2 new)
3 HLAF-500 Starfighter Squadrons (new)
5 TIE Interceptor Squadrons (2 new)
2 VT-49 Decimators (new)
6 Lambda-class shuttles (repaired)
4 Gamma-class ATR-6 assault transport (1 repaired, 3 new)
2 Sentinel Class Landing Craft (new)
2 Delta-class DX-9 stormtrooper transports (repaired)
1 Baudo-class star yacht (new)
11 Capital Ships
312 Fighters/Bombers
17 Support Vessels
I'll be posted a forum thread tonight to open up a competition for naming these ships. Look out for another email directing you to that.
3) Murder Mystery League 2007
DJM Alanna has taken up our Clan's efforts in setting up a team in this event hosted by the Headmaster. Each Clan will probably have one team, maybe two in some cases. I know most of this has been setup by now, but it sounds like a fun time for those into writing and solving mysteries. If you are interested in this event that Alanna brought up this past week let her know. Information on this event is on our competition page of the Clan website.
4) Bryar Bowl with a Vengeance
The Bryar Bowl returns with the third edition, ready for action, ready for pwnage. I updated the page today and submitted the competition. Check it out and all those Jedi Outcast players should look into joining this. It's Brotherhood-wide so we should get a crowd, sign up as soon as you can!
5) Dinaari Summit Changes
QUA Sithspawn (Ziggy) has stepped down from the position of leading the House due to real life taking over. Thanks to him for holding down the position during that crazy thing we called a Great Jedi War. Vlad has stepped up from AED to lead the House, congrats to him. Check his email for information on the open AED position now!
6) Tal Times - It's Coming
The post-GJW edition is coming, aiming for mid-week but it could be a bit later. We will have a good load of articles in this and will feature some of the GJW entries as well. Keep an eye out for that!
====== Competitions ======
DB-Wide Events:
ACC Championship Ladder (Happening now, for those involved)
Dark Voice Crescent Blow Out! (Ends: 09/30)
MT - September (Ends: 09/30)
Halo 3 Launch Event (Ends: 10/06)
Bryar Bowl with a Vengeance (Ends: 10/31)
Murder Mystery League 2007 (Ends: 11/17)
SA Trivia (Runs all year)
Clan-Wide Events:
Clan Development: Line of History (Ends: 09/26)
Glory of Taldryan (Ends: 09/28)
Taldryan Topic: Tales of Kr'Tal (Ends: 09/29)
Tal Trivia (Trivia, runs all year)
House Archanis Events:
House Dinaari Events:
House Ektrosis Events:
Gaming Events:
Gaming Nights (Weekdays)
Inter-Club Training Event (Saturdays)
A lot of happenings now, make sure to check the competition page for all the details. I'll mention some briefly though.
The Clan competitions, Tales of Kr'Tal and Line of History, are both very important and I really hope you guys consider them. I've seen several submissions for the Tales, awesome job there so far. I've seen none on the History event. I would think some of the older members that have been around a couple years and write would be up for these, yet no one has looked at them that I know of. Please check these out and give them what you can.
The Bryar Bowl is big and Taldryan has come out very strong in the last two. Let's continue that now.
Check out that Halo 3 event for those interested in that game, it's not Star Wars, but it should be exciting for those involved nonetheless. Props to the recently appointed Gaming Tribune, Shadow Taldrya, keep up the nice work!
====== Promotions, Awards, SA, Etc. ======
Congrats to Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus on Jedi Hunter this past week!
Lots of awards lately. Novae went out for the War, Clusters of Fire for gaming this month thus far, and some crescents for some recent competitions. Jac got a bunch of Dark Crosses for his work on the website, some major work, major props to him on that.
Welcome to our newest members: Arkane Ragav, Avahalla Dei, Ronin Von Teal'c, and vain rhynor! I'm sure your House leaders or Envoys have contacted you, but you can always come to me or Proconsul Chaosrain if you have any questions.
====== Is that It? ======
Rushed through another report it seems. Life is busy right now; I'm going to have to get that Proconsul person we have here to do a lovely report next week probably. Haha. We'll see how things go.
Noted only briefly before, the Brotherhood's website has seen some major updates to the dossier setup over the past couple days thanks to our own member and former Grand Master, Jac Cotelin. Check those out and enjoy. These changes took a lot of work and hours of his time, all to better the club.
Look for another email about the Fleet naming competition shortly, plus Tal Trivia!
Important Links
Dark Brotherhood -http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Message Boards -http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php
Antei Combat Center -http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Shadow Academy -http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Side Codex -http://codex.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Compendium -http://dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Covenant -http://covenant.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Clan Taldryan -http://www.taldryan.net/
House Dinaari -http://www.taldryan.net/dinaari/
House Ektrosis -http://www.taldryan.net/ektrosis/
Taldryan Codex -http://www.taldryan.net/tal_codex/
Competitions Page -http://www.taldryan.net/competitions.php
IRC Guide -http://www.taldryan.net/dinaari/irc_guide.php
Summit Members -
Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Archanis Quaestor Andan Taldrya Marshall ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Archanis Aedile Daniel Goad ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Archanis Envoy Gobhainn Sgath ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari Quaestor and Envoy Vladet Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari Aedile TBA
Ektrosis Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Mailing lists -
Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Archanis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server
IP Address:
Password: Talpwnz
Kr'Tal Gaming Server (Jedi Academy)
IP Address:
Password: DBROX
For Taldryan,
Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan
Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System
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