Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Keepers of the Night Report: 09/25/2007

Dark Greetings all.

Yes, I know, its time for another report so on with the reading.

Anyways, I have a few announcements I want to make regarding policies and rules within the Battle Team. There, at the moments are really only two rules. You must participate in the Battle Team, at this time however, I am unsure of how often you will have to do such though for right now, you must do at least one competition that I run every two months (expect that to change soon!). The other rule is that, whenever you submit to a comp, CC me on your entry. I need to be able to keep up with what my members are doing so that I can make sure you are properly awarded.

Another announcement that needs o be made is that we now have a sub forum on the message boards.

If you are not registered for those message boards, then you need to do so. Almost any of the Battle Team events that take place on the message boards will take place on those message boards and not the ones on

Also, I now have a competition running for you for some easy crescents.

Email me your entries to it.

Activity stuffs!


Telona was awarded a Scroll of Foundation for her work as a Trainer with the SA.

That is really it for this report, check that message board page frequently for discussions or what have you, there is already one discussion there that I would like each of you to respond to.

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