What do you mean he has a bannana shapped lightsaber?
Welcome to another edition of the Grand Master report! This report will cover a few major changes since our last report and detail Brotherhood wide events that are taking place. Oh, it might also mention a few projects I am doing.
Wiki Tribune: Open for Applications: The position of Wiki Tribune is currently open for applications. Please see the Dark Brotherhood news page for details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4995.<p> Herald: Open for Applications: The Dark Council position of Herald is open for applications. Please see the Dark Brotherhood News page for details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4979. Applications are due on the 5th of October.
Great Jedi Wars: Renamed/Renumbered: After consultation with several senior members of the Dark Brotherhood, we have realized that a GJW was skipped in our numbering process. The Wiki has been updated to reflect this change. Thus, the GJW that we just completed was GJW8! See the wiki for more information!
GJW8 Heroes: Congratulations to Shadow, Sharad, and RevengeX for finishing in the top three during GJW 8. Their profiles have been updated to reflect their status as DB wide heroes. Grats!
Profile Updates: Released: After 250 hours of coding and numerous hours of quality control, Grand Master Cotelin has released the latest Dark Brotherhood website upgrades. The most obvious of these upgrades are the additions of tabs to the profiles. These tabs detail almost every statistical category in the DB. If you have not already, please take the time to thank Jac!
Dark Council: Please submit your September IRs if you have not done so already. ALSO, remember to update the google document Dark Brotherhood Project xls file.
GM Wiki Advice: Ships: Your fighter is not shaped like a bananna, your Xwing does not have a cloaking device, your tie fighter does not have 10 turbolasers, and you do not have a personal Star Destroyer.
Leader Advice: Google Group Rumbles: Leaders, avoid fighting on Google Groups. Your members hate you when you do it and so do I. :p
GM Projects: The GM Staff is currently working on a few projects (forgive the coyness, but I try not to release too much information on unfinished projects. I have Rebirthitis):
<li>Character Sheet Upgrades: Jac, Halc, and the GM are working on new additions for character sheets. These additions are not yet ready for release but they are a long time coming. Look for more information before the end of this month.
<li>Plot Update: Raken is currently working on a short fictional update to the Dark Brotherhood storyline. This update will also come with practical additions to the DB.
<li>Positions Review: The GM/DGM are taking a look at the DC and Dark Summit and evaluating/awarding/killing them for their recent efforts.
DB Wide Competitions: The following DB wide competitions are available for you to participate in: <li>October MTs: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4990 <li>Arcona's Resurrection: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4987 <li>King of the Hill: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4986 <li>Halo 3: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:4983. I am playing in this one. Come join the GM (and maybe even two GMs).
Congratulations: Medals: Ben on his AK, Shad on his SC, Siya on the SC!
Congratulations: Work: Derev on the DV, Muz on the secret squirrel, Halc on the Fleets, Cipher on the Halo 3 pwnage, and Macron/Duga/Phoenix/Mejas for running big ass competitions. .
<p>Real Life</p>
Vegas: Thanks for not burning down the house while I was in Vegas. It was good times!
-> <p>Final Thoughts</p> <-
Busy Times: A lot of small but significant changes coming soon!
-> <p>Done!</p> <-
Have a good week everyone! If you have an issue or concern, my office is open.</li></li></li></li></li></li></li></p></p>
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I have a concern - I'm concerned that my name isn't more prominently displayed in your reports. I think you should periodically just insert "Kir is the greatest" while writing them up.
Thanks Sarin... I am humbled by the mention... You rock! You're welcome to join my party any day! salutes
Just wondering, how did I get third in the GJW? Is there an individual points spreadsheet or document available for my leisurely perusing?
Thinking Third is too high Rev? Yeah, me too. We should start a commision.
Dear Justicar.
DJM Kir Taldrya Katarn has violated the rules for posting comments, and is setting a bad example for others. He is also attempting to force the grand Master to blatantly LIE about him, and claim that he is the greatest. We would appreciate you having a word or two with Master Katarn about this.
Thank you much.
Master Katarn -
We are all constantly in awe of your greatness, keep up the great work. And ignore that BF guy, he's just a negative nancy.
Secret Squirrel?
Did I miss the barbecue? Stang!