Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

5 October 2007

There has been a change in how Custom Weapons can now be approved, that should improve things for everyone. Also some fictional information, so read on.

Championship Ladders

The Championship Ladder is in full swing, and the first round should end later this week. As usual, the majority of first round battles were DQs, but that is the usual weeding process to see who really wants to compete. Good luck to all of the remaining participants.

*Staff Needed *

We are currently looking for another trainer to be added to the staff. This is a great way to help the broader DB population, as well as increase your changes for both promotion and medals (if you work hard). Application specifics can be found here.

*Training Changes *

Something that has been discussed or in plans for awhile will see the light of day within the next few weeks.
I have begun talks with the Clans in having the "training" portion of the ACC handled within Clans. Those then needing extra help to become qualified would find that help within their Clan. This will still be administered by the Staff Trainers, who will also continue to run the qualification matches. If interested, contact your Consul or Proconsul for more information

*Custom Weapons *

We have changed the way that Custom Weapons can now be approved/used. You no longer need to use the Character Sheet to have a Custom Weapon. The steps now taken are as follows: - E-mail the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with a description and image for your weapon

  • The Combat Master will approve/deny the weapon, or make small adjustments the description so that it works within the ACC

  • Your weapon will then be listed on the Custom Weapons List

  • Your character sheet must have points placed within the specific "Weapon Type" of your Custom Weapon to use it in battle.

Basically, you no longer have to put points in directly for Custom Weapons. Instead, you put points in just the weapon types. The Custom slots however must still be used if you wish to have armour or other non-weapon items. The same goes for Sacramental Weapons. You no longer have to put them in a Custom slot, as long as you have the requisite points in the specific weapon type. All other rules governing how many weapons you may bring to a battle still apply.

When putting in your weapons for a battle, try and mention that a certain weapon is located on the Custom Weapon list. Even a simple (CW) next to the weapon name will help the staff to double-check your weapon and that you are able to use it. A big thanks goes out to Dalthid for putting the page together

ACC Facility

The new "home" of the ACC has been put together, and you can find information on it at the wiki here. I've done a few small ACC edits on the wiki, and I hope to put up more information on the fictional side of the ACC in the near future. The ACC Compendium contains all of the "real" rules of the ACC. I hope to get all of the fictional aspects put up on the wiki itself. This will eventually play into a co-op competition


As always, if anyone ever has any questions or comments for me, the best place to reach me is through e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. You can also ask general questions about the ACC on this forum post. Have a great week.

In darkness,

DJM Halcyon Rokir

Yea work for those mdals :P

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