Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Greetings Shaodwmorph, a lot has happened in the DB since my last report.

There have been several changes in positions, one of them including of the Dark Council, you can see all of the happenings here . There are also several DB wide competitions going on right now, like the Resurrection competition.

For house competitions Goad has started a very simple competition, Goad’s Top Ten, it is a weekly competition were you give you give answers to Goad’s top ten favorite things by whatever the topic it. For example, this week’s topic is his favorite Star Wars moments.


Transfers- Vexus has transferred into Shadowmorph, Welcome!

Medals- Rannik has earned 2 crescents and so has Zama, Good job guys!

Shadow Academy- Vexus has passed Krath Core, Pre-Republic History, Sith History 1, ACC Initiates, Dark Brotherhood Basics, and Krath Advanced Poetry, Great Job!

ACC- Rannik has failed his ACC battle

That is everything for now, but keep on going until you reach the top.

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