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Clan Report: Volume 2 Report#5 for Week Ending 14/10/07
Project Resurrection is over. My decisions have been made and now it is time to move forward. I recieved some excellent applications with great ideas. These will be used, regardless of the position holders. The people I have put into a position are there on a 1 month trial. Do not rest on your laurels, or you will be gone! I'll go into the summit reshuffle more below, suffice to say we need to make this work. We've recieved an influx of new members, there is a certain stir throughout the Clan that is great to say and I am hoping we are now on the start of our climb towards the top...
Project Resurrection: SUMMIT APPOINTMENTS <>
The following appointments have been made and there is still some latitude for more BTL's, House Envoys, Roll Masters etc...
<span class="531142900-15102007">Clan Summit</span><span class="531142900-15102007">
Proconsul - OE Sashar Kodiak Erinos</span>
<span class="531142900-15102007"></span>
<span class="531142900-15102007">House Qel-Droma</span>
<span class="531142900-15102007">QUA - DJK Xander Drax</span>
<span class="531142900-15102007">AED - OT Drodik Valence al
RM <font face="Arial" size="2"> - OT Etah d`Tana (Etah moved from Galeres BTL to form a 3 fold summit in HQD)
</font></span><span class="531142900-15102007">BTL - KAP Acheron
<font face="Arial" size="2"><font face="Arial" size="2"> </font></font><font face="Arial" size="2">BTL - n/a</font> </span>
<span class="531142900-15102007"></span><span class="531142900-15102007"></span>
<span class="531142900-15102007">House Galeres</span>
<div><span class="531142900-15102007">QUA - OW Zandro Savric Erinos</span></div> <div><span class="531142900-15102007">AED - n/a
</span></div> <div><span class="531142900-15102007"><font face="Arial" size="2">RM <font face="Arial" size="2"> - n/a
</font></font><font face="Arial" size="2"></font>BTL - DJK Kieran Kodiak Erinos</span></div> <div><span class="531142900-15102007">BTL - n/a </span></div>
A few comments on each appointment and a graphic representation of the new Arcona command structure:
PCON = Excellent application, has been supporting me since my appointment to CON, compliments my weaknesses perfectly and is on UK time. So far we've worked together well and I have a great feeling about what we can achieve. My greatest weakness is my lack of gaming knowledge. As you'll see from the image below, I will be focusing mainly on HQD and the traditional Krathy stuff while Dash will be working closely with Galeres. We will use our strengths in these areas to support the new House summits and keep ourselves involved at core level. More on House roles below...
HQD - QUA/AED/RM = Xander Drax, Drodik and Etah all submitted excellent applications. Xander has a real vision for the way to develop and run HQD that I am excited about and I know that the skills of Drodik and Etah will compliment Xander and help him to implement his plans.
HQD - BTL = Acheron has penned an excellent Battle Team concept that will really work well in HQD. He'll be working with his CP cohort that transferred in with him, but please feel free to speak with him and get involved.
GAL - QUA/BTL = Zandro was performing well with Alex and is more than capable of leading Galeres. Numbers are low just now so an AED isn't essential, especially since Dash will be working closley with him. Kieran is retaining Soulfire BTL status - keep up the good work there!
A final note on my appointments - MY DECISIONS WILL NOT BE SWAYED. I have had a LOT of folk speak to me as if I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing! This is extremely ignorant of you and disrepectful towards me. I cannot please all of you ALL the time - not at these early stages anyway. Arcona has been through too much recently. I am here to make the tough decisions, to improve this Clan regardless of who or however many of you fall under my feet. People who think they can intimidate me or have me overturn my decisions should think again. My last reign as Consul was renowned for its stability and decisiveness. Nothing has or will change. You may of course explain to me your thoughts and offer your ideas - but if I don't take them don't get upset. Do not threaten me with leaving the Clan or whatever else. I simply won't be manipulated by these tactics. I will ALWAYS do what is right for Arcona. Some of you need to accept this and think twice before making a fool of yourself in front of me. This is directed at a WHOLE horde of people not any one individual. You all knwo who you are. It is the last time I will say it. Next time I will banish you from Arcona without a second thought, don't test me on this. I've done it before...
Project Resurrection: THE MEMBER RESHUFFLE <>
With this laid out nice and clear for everyone I ned you njow to decide WHICH of our two Houses you wish to reside in.
A note on the graphic above. The Houses ARE still MULTI-ORDER, but we are aiming to focus on specific objectives with each House. Choose the House you feel you would be happiest in - you are here for fun. HQD should mostly be dealing with fiction/poetry/graphics while Galeres will be gaming. there is no reason why HQD can;t join a Galeres gaming night or why Galeres memebrs can't submit into an HQD competition. Use your heads and hone your skills, but of course, have variety and keep active. I personally consider the ACC and Run-On's part of BOTH Houses on-going activity.
So - in summary, Please e-mail myself and copy PCON Sashar into the e-mail. I'd liek this done by the end of the week. If I don't hear from you I'll dump you somewhere.
Project Resurrection: THE RITE AWARDS!<>
Thank you and congratulations to all of you who participated., there were some truly fantasic entries. Fiction in particular was a hard task to judge. All 3rd level Crescents have been awarded, the results are here:
<table width="400" border="1" align="center"> <tr> <td width="110"> Fiction </td> <td width="137"> Graphics </td> <td width="131"> Poetry </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
1st - <span class="531142900-15102007"><span class="875305322-14102007"><font size="2">GRD Moloch</font></span></span>
2nd - OE Sashar
3rd - DJK Prajna
</td> <td>
<div align="justify">1st - <span class="531142900-15102007"><span class="875305322-14102007"><font size="2">DJK Xander Drax</font></span></span>
2nd - DJM Arania
3rd - DJK Juda</div>
</td> <td>
<div align="justify">1st - OT Etah d`Tana
2nd - DJK Garik Burren
3rd - DJKMayda Ferium </div>
</td> </tr> </table>
Arcona Fleet Competition<>
The new fleet has been selected and now we need to name our ships. Read the competition details below and get your submissions in. This is a short 1 week competition that EVERYONE should be able to do. So let's get motivated, active and involved in the Clan life...
<table width="400" border="1" align="center"> <tr> <td width="86">
<div align="left">Title:</div>
</td> <td width="298">
<div align="left"><span class="style10"><span class="style10">Name That Fleet! </span></span></div>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td>
<div align="justify">Clan Arcona has recently been awarded her new fleet, but apart from our ISD capital ship, we have no names for our vessels.
Simple, easy, fun competition that could leave your mark on Arcona FORVER more...(or until GJW 15 when we'll probably do the same all over again :P)
Name the following ships:
Majestic Class Heavy Cruiser
Bothan Assault Cruiser
Bothan Assault Cruiser
Immobilizer 418
Warrior Class Gunship
Warrior Class Gunship
Warrior Class Gunship
Agave Class Picket
TIE Phantom Squadron
Tie Avenger Squadron
Tie Avenger Squadron
Tie Avenger Squadron
Scimitar Assault Bomber Squadron
A9 Vigilance Interceptor Squadron
A9 Vigilance Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
TIE Interceptor Squadron
Lambda Class Shuttle
Baudo-class star yacht
Please note, we do NOT want ships named after people anymore. It sucks!!!
Think of the Clan ethos, Shadowcrafting and other Dark Jedi/Arconan type words! I want pure darkness and I want people to piss themselves in terror when they heard one of ships merely MENTIONED!</div>
Start Date:
<span class="style10"><span class="style10">Monday 15th October, 2007</span></span>
End Date:
<span class="style10"><span class="style10">Sunday 21st October, 2007</span></span>
Units Involved:
<span class="style10"><span class="style10">Clan Arcona </span></span>
<span class="style10">Submit your results IN THE BODY OF AN E-MAIL.
</span><span class="style10">Do not make me open attachments - because quite simply I won't do it and you're submission will be deleted!</span>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Awards: </td> <td> <span class="style10"><span class="style10">4th Level Crescents </span></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Comments: </td> <td> <span class="style10"><span class="style10">Placings will be given to best 3 overall entries - BUT the best names will be selected from across ALL submissions to ensure the l33test named Clan Fleet belongs to Arcona!</span></span> </td> </tr> </table>
That's it folks. Resurrection has been and gone. Now it's time to see if it has worked at all. I'm feelign far more positive about it this week. We havea good summit, it needs strengthened yet - but I am seeing a lot of future leaders that I never saw 2 weeks ago. Things are happening. The Dark Side has laid our path and now we must walk it. I look forward to leading each and everyone of you down it...
As always, if anyone has any problems at all then please don't hesitate to contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
<span class="453415720-07012007">Embrace the Darkness,</span>
<div dir="ltr" align="left"><div><div><span class="453415720-07012007"><span class="062133016-03122006"><span class="718113318-05012007" style4> <span class="style12">** DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
**"Guardian of Arcona"
Consul of Clan Arcona</span>
<span class="style12">DJM Mejas Doto (Krath)/CON/Arcona [ACC: CL:3]
DS / EDx2 / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-CoI / AC-RoT / DC-DP / SN / BN-AgL / Cr-2D-2R-2A-4S-1E / CF-BlF / DSS-EL / SI / LS-AgL / S:-11M-3D
{SA: KS: ToL - ToS - IRC - GL - D: KCORE - GS} </span></div> </div> </div>
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