Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


The Revvy Report: ONE YEAR Edition

That's right, I've now been Quaestor of House Acclivis Draco for one year. Wow, a year really flies by when you look back! Throughout my tenure as Quaestor, I have been privileged to watch many members of our House grow and learn skills that benefit them in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and their offline lives. I believe that I have accomplished many things, and several sweet projects are nearing completion.

While this report will be much longer than the usual, I encourage everyone to read it. Once you've finished reading, start completing Reclamation events!

Reclamation of Judecca: http://www.scholaepalatinae.darkjedibrotherhood.com/reclamation/

Reclamation Current Results: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pHChU7rBFRjKLtAeqIXvwdw

House Standings After Week 1

(Participation totals are not counted.)

1st: HDS, 257 points

2nd: HC, 180 points

3rd: HAD, 173 points

As you can see, the cryptex puzzle is worth TONS of points. HAD came in third on the first week cryptex. The House that wins the cryptex has the possibility of getting at least three-times more points than the third place House! Thus, it is imperative that we win next week's cryptex!


1) In the Brotherhood's first "King of the Hill"-style tournament, two CSP members took first place in different divisions: Dakari in Other Gaming and myself in JK Series Gaming! Yay for shiny Crescents with Diamond Star!

2) 32 Participants have now signed up for the Bryar Bowl! Bryar Bowl website: http://www.taldryan.net/bryarbowl/

3) Sith Battlemaster Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu, a former Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow, has been appointed Herald! Congratulations and good luck to Shikyo!

4) With Shikyo moving up to Herald, Justicar Kir Taldrya Katarn is looking for a new "Left Hand of Justice". Find a list of requirements and more information at this news post: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:5008

5) Dark Side Adept Astronicus "Tron" Aurelius Sadow has been appointed Wiki Tribune! Scholae Palatinae's very own Dakari Kaeth has been appointed Star Wars Galaxies Tribune! Congrats to both of you!

6) The Antei Combat Center's Fourth Championship Ladder is still underway! Two battles (Kaek vs. Uzbad, RevengeX vs. Sai) have yet to be graded before the second round may begin!


1) Participate in the Reclamation of Judecca competition! All Houses have already solved the cryptex puzzle for week two. HAD came in second. As DJK Angelo Dante has told House Caliburnus' Nightmare Brigade, "this is the most important competition"! http://www.scholaepalatinae.darkjedibrotherhood.com/reclamation/

2) Dakari, the Brotherhood's new SWG Tribune, has been promoted to Sith Battlelord! Congratulations!

3) CSP's Murder Mystery League team has won first place! Props to Anga, Natth, Tra'an, Timbal, Yeldarb, and that RevengeX guy, for helping to represent CSP in this DJB-wide competition!


1) Since my last report, Keinan Waius has gone through a string of promotions to reach the rank of Protector. Congrats!

2) Impetus, Vail, Yeldarb, Cooch, and myself were awarded Crescents with Topaz Star for being the third place Cryptex team for Week One of Reclamation. Anga, Impetus, and myself were awarded Crescents with Emerald Star for being the second place Cryptex team for week two!

3) Sith Warlord Maximus Raidoner Mandalore has left our Clan and transferred to Rogues. We wish him the best of luck!

4) In case you didn't know, Dark Jedi Knight Anga Salinas has [re-]joined House Acclivis Draco from Clan Taldryan! Welcome [back]!


"Master, you called?" asked the Falleen as he stepped into the Quaestor's office. The door closed behind him.

"Indeed; take a seat, relax. What kind of drink would you like? Tea, beer, coffee, hot chocolate?"

"No thank you, sir."

"Why so tense, Kalak? If I had called you over to kill you, I think I would have done it already." RevengeX winked as he looked at his Apprentice, a promising Krath. "No, I summoned you to extend an invitation of sorts..."

"An invitation?" The expression on the Hunter's face was one of confusion and caution.

"Yes. How would you like to be one of my... personal guards? Your skills have improved greatly and I feel that you can deal with the numerous death threats that are constantly going into one of my ears and out the other." RevengeX chuckled as he remembered the most recent threat, one about drowning him in the Consul's private toilet.

"I am always willing to serve, Master." A small smile crept across the green-skinned humanoid's face as shivering excitement sped up his spine.

"Good. Welcome to the Order of the Dragon. Your first task is to get me some tea from downstairs, some fool did not bring it up to me." The Epis' tone had changed slightly to become one of impatience and frustration. With a wave of his hand, the door to his office opened.

"Yes, Master." Kalak rose, knowing that he had been dismissed.

Congratulations to Jedi Hunter Kalak Ragnose on his induction into the Order of the Dragon! I am quite sure that this young Dark Jedi needs no introduction. As a Magistrate to the Head Master, he runs two DJB-wide competitions weekly, thus earning quite a few Legions of the Scholar (just like his Master :P).

Jedi Hunter Kalak Ragnose - Fang of Knowledge (October 2007)


"If you do not succeed, try, try again."

This past Great Jedi War, I became quietly infuriated at a few individuals. In this group, a few simply did not try at all, they did not do anything. A few tried to do too much and realized that they couldn't handle all of it.

I am not, in anyway, discouraging participation. Nobody, especially not the member, likes it when you simply cannot juggle a ton of ACC matches. Nobody likes that feeling; the feeling of disappointing friends, themself, and the feeling of stress.

Figure out how much you can handle and try to push yourself whenever you can, but don't push yourself to a ridiculous point.

With that said, I'd like to introduce you to my, fairly tedious, three month plan:

== One Month Plan ==

  • Finish "Project: Ludus Proposal"

  • Finish HAD Website Features: Summit Offices, Roster Archives

== Three Month Plan ==

  • Finish "HAD Facilities"

  • Finish "HAD Rituals"

  • Finish "CSP Artifacts"

  • Finish "Antenora Tribes"

  • Plan big House competition

== Six Month Plan ==

  • Append CSP History

    • Finish Position Timelines

If you would like to help me out, feel free to contact me. :)


Journeymen Year Report (XLS): 10/9/2006-10/9/2007 (Compiled using the "New Member Tracking Report" tool.)

Me in One Year:

  • 1 Promotion

  • 1 Sapphire Blade, 2 Steel Crosses, 2 Anteian Crosses, 1 Dark Cross

  • 42 Crescents, 29 Legions of the Scholar, 6 Pendants of Blood, 1407 Clusters of Fire

  • 2 Bronze Novae, 2 Gold Novae

  • 3 Dark Side Scrolls

  • 17 Seals of Pain, 6 Seals of Darkness, 6 Seals of Dominance

  • 10 Competitions

  • 23 Reports

  • 7 "Major" Competitions as QUA (HAD vs. HC, CSP vs. Arc, RoS: SD, CSP Summer Games, Missio Draconis, GJW, Reclamation)

HAD in One Year:

  • ~95 Promotions

  • 6 Promotions to Dark Jedi Knight and/or beyond

    • Gavan Sykes (to DJK)
    • Laurus (to DJK)
    • Syphoc Rilkel (to DJK)
    • Exodius (to EQ2)
    • Impetus Korin (to EQ2)
    • Me (to EQ3)
  • 29% APP -> ACO

I would just like to note that I was awarded a Dark Cross in April 2006 for being a part of the CSP Envoy team that had a promotion rate of 9.5% APP to ACO. It's amazing to see how far we've gone, isn't it?


If you want to help out with any of these projects, feel free to shoot me an email! But remember, these projects require a lot of ingenuity and writing skill.

  • Antenora: In-Depth

  • Fictional Backdrop

  • HAD Review

  • Order of the Dragon Development

With the near year coming up, I have some new ideas for the Order. I will be asking for the opinion of Order members after Reclamation about these ideas.

  • House Descriptions Development

Still chugging along... Our Proconsul, Lucien, has volunteered to create some super 3D images once I'm done with all of the descriptions.


  • Project: Ludus

This project is a revised version of my original "Project: Gladiator" proposal after having received great responses from the Powers That Be. It is still under development and the proposal will be submitted soon.


== Communication ==

I just want to touch-up on a point here. It is important for all members of Scholae Palatinae (especially those in leadership positions) to understand what is going on by receiving emails. Don't you think it silly for the QUAs not knowing what is happening in the other Houses? Don't you think that would make the entire Clan Summit inefficient and confused? I don't know about you, but I think it would...

As Braecen once told me a long time ago, if the Quaestors are considered hands (yes, we now have three hands), it is important for each hand to know what the other hands are doing.

So, summary: communication es muy importante and everyone needs to know what everyone else is doing (unless it's intentionally supposed to be a secret).


129 Dark Jedi Master Natth a'Niel Palpatine

1540 Dark Side Adept Vail Aquillarum Unteminar

3153 Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

4520 Pontifex Braecen Kaeth

236 Epis Adam Anderson

3155 Epis Timbal

3491 Epis RevengeX Palpatine

5951 Archpriest Impetus Korin

1845 Prelate Exodius

4438 Priest Uzbad Zol Tamalar

3317 Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar Sythe'rae

3821 Dark Jedi Knight Anga Salinas

4082 Dark Jedi Knight Makurth "Zak" Mandalore

7610 Dark Jedi Knight Gavan Sykes

3448 Jedi Hunter Tiberius Wolf Mandalore

5540 Jedi Hunter Cornix

7487 Jedi Hunter Libra Tzo

8307 Jedi Hunter Kalak Ragnose

8967 Jedi Hunter Yeldarb Vohkou

8215 Guardian Arual Semaj

8703 Guardian Demious

9059 Guardian Tra'an Reith

8408 Protector Sauni Demai

8700 Protector Aro-wan

8859 Protector Seast

9224 Protector Tacks

9289 Protector Keinan Waius

9376 Protector Ragnar

8977 Acolyte Lyrina Derricote

9047 Acolyte Toivious

9072 Acolyte Thran Savo

9109 Acolyte Xikake

9255 Acolyte Dessel Shade

9020 Novice Gavin Darmal

9096 Novice Zakath

9257 Novice Malice Vek

9290 Novice Xeon

8986 Apprentice Orion Black

9063 Apprentice Jacob

9099 Apprentice alden

9110 Apprentice Luke Dantes

9145 Apprentice Kumar

9158 Apprentice Lynnaya~Dragoncore

9159 Apprentice Jay Tahn

9179 Apprentice xecutor

9203 Apprentice Janack Barta

9204 Apprentice Cyan Bloodbane

9210 Apprentice lurke

9259 Apprentice Valin Vhenn

9260 Apprentice Kel Nexx

9262 Apprentice Rocu

9263 Apprentice Mörder

9292 Apprentice Kalyn Erahi

9339 Apprentice Varyous

9358 Apprentice Fearius

9417 Apprentice Bragh Hawkeye

9437 Apprentice Ataxious

9456 Apprentice Andovere Von Stokker

9494 Apprentice Luvior

9514 Apprentice Ramik Sibsei

Our House stands at 60 members.


An up-to-date list of competitions can be found on our House website's "Holocron": http://www.acclivisdraco.darkjedibrotherhood.com/holocron.php

-- Entire DJB --

Bryar Bowl with a Vengeance: 2007-10-07 - 2008-10-31

October Gaming Tournament: 2007-09-29 - 2007-10-31

The Spy's Handler: 2007-09-27 - 2008-09-26

Murder Mystery League 2007: 2007-09-30 - 2007-11-17

SA Trivia (Renewal): 2007-02-10 - 2008-01-26

For the Empire!: 2007-05-06 - 2008-05-06

-- Clan Scholae Palatinae --

R E C L A M A T I O N of J U D E C C A: 2007-10-01 - 2007-11-01

Shades of Distant Past: 2007-10-01 - 2007-10-31

[CSP] General Wikipedia Competition: 2007-09-15 - 2007-12-31

CSP Gaming Night All-Star: 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29

CSP ACC All-Star: 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29

CSP Shadow Academy All-Star: 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29

CSP Trivia All-Star: 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29

CSP Trivia: 2007-02-28 - 2008-02-28

-- House Acclivis Draco --

[HAD] What if...: 2007-01-01 - 2007-12-31


Dark Jedi Brotherhood - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Shadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/

Antei Combat Center - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/

Codex of the Dark Brotherhood - http://www.codex.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Dark Side Compendium - http://www.dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Dark Brotherhood Forum - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/

Dark Brotherhood Wiki - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/

Clan Scholae Palatinae - http://www.scholaepalatinae.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

House Acclivis Draco - http://www.acclivisdraco.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

House Caliburnus - http://www.housecaliburnus.org/


Quaestor RevengeX Palpatine: dbrevvy[at]gmail[dot]com

Aedile Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine: cuchulain[at]armymail[dot]mod[dot]uk

Consul Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine: phoenix_5181[at]yahoo[dot]com

Proconsul Lucien: djb_lucien[at]yahoo[dot]com

Clan Envoy Braecen Kaeth Kunar: bmcoffey13[at]aol[dot]com

(The "[at]'s" and "[dot]'s" are used to substitute their respective symbols to avoid spam bots picking up these email addresses.)


Have a great week everyone!


KE RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP-FIC-Wiki/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [KSOE: FENV] [ACC: CN:1]

SB / GC / SC-SoA / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-3R-11A-11S-17E-6T-10Q / PoB-AuL / CF-SpF / DSS-AgL / SI-BL / SoF-BL / SoL / LS-EL / S:-4Al-9C-17D-6Do-6Dk-17P

{SA: MVN - KS: ToL - DBB - ICQ - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - LF - HTML1 - HTML2 - ASP - PHP - ACC - CM - SC - D: KCORE - TW - FP - HS1 - HSII - PRH - MED - KP - RO - GS - CPH - O: SCORE - TA - ISET - ESET - CSS - SF - AST - K: OCORE - TE - TS - LS - MRK}

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