Satal Keto Aedile Report
Hey everyone, I've finally been appointed Aedile, so It's time for my introductory report type thing.
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Arcadian, I've been a member of the Brotherhood for one year and four months. I've been Commander of Satal Victus for the last four and a half months. I was Envoy a while back, and now I'm here to serve as your Aedile :).
I plan to run monthly competitions and I expect you all to participate because most of them will be fairly easy. I also hope to get some decent graphics soon. I will be starting this soon and I will also be working on some new things for Satal Keto. I'm not sure what else to say to I guess that's it for now, a very short very simple report just me saying Hi. Talk to you all later. Any questions just send me an email :).
DJK Arcadian
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