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<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> :: [
Transmission Begin ] :: </td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#333333">
<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> :: [
Qel-Droma Chronicle ] :: </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#333333" width="750"> <table width="750"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="750">
stood upon the bridge of the Bothan Assault Cruiser that would be assigned under the auspices of his house, technicians and engineers swarming around him in a buzz of activity. The vessel had yet to be named, had yet to even be completed, but that was no matter. Soon it would serve the house, just as he was now.
The warship was almost a parallel to the house he now lead. Incomplete, unknown, but holding great power. Qel-Droma was a name that had fallen by the wayside of the Brotherhood, not known or feared in this time of strife and chaos. It was up to Xander and his brethren to rectify that, to teach those that needed to learn just what Qel-Droma was capable of.
<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> :: [ **House
Status** ] :: </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#333333" width="750"> <table width="750"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="750">
everyone, we're less then a week into my tenure and I am happy with what I'm seeing. We've gotten things moving in the RO on a house level, not just letting Soulfire try to run away with things as they are want to do (huzzah!). It's very nice to see things heating up around here without me having to light a fire under anyone, it's a promising start.
But, we can't just sit back and lounge on our promising starts, as they can have a way of turning into dismal failures. Don't want that now, so we need to take what we have and build on it. How you ask? Well, let's start doing everything we can around here, generate activity and make sure that people see us for what we are. As such, I'd like to see everyone make one entry at least into either the clan caption comp or fleet naming comp (detailed below). They're easy, quick, nigh effortless things, so there are no acceptable excuses.
Also, we've got more effort intensive competitions going as well, in the from of the RO and my new "Expand our Scape" competition (again, detailed below. It's a pattern.) While I won't hunt you down and take your firstborn if you don't participate, I will be very disturbed. Like Vader disturbed at Motti's lack of faith disturbed. The RO is one we need to show well in simply because we're the fiction house. Let Gal play their games, but don't let them beat us at ours. Secondly, as outlined in the Scape comp's details, background drives good fiction, and we're going to be doing a lot of fiction here. If you don't have a good idea where your character is coming from, especially for other people to view when they're writting for your character in an RO, it's hard to create quality. And I'm personally all for quality. Quantity is for those guys that just line up the saber n00bs and stack up the Cluster's of Fire. We've got to be the thinking (wo)man's House.
<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> :: [ **House
Activites** ] :: </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#333333" width="750"> <table width="750"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="750">
comps, everywhere the comps! Blocking out the scenery breaking my... romps? OK, a lyricist I'm not, but there are more then a few comps out there to take part of:
[**<font color="ffffff">Expand
our Scape</font>**](ttp://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2950): Basically, a wiki based competition that starts tomorrow and runs through the end of the month. Create or make modifications of a significant nature to pages that relate to the background of your character. Then, take the URL of the page you created and send them to your QUA type. Full details via Link.
<font color="ffffff">Clan Arcona Caption Competition: VOLUME 1</font>](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2949) Quick and simple to complete, easy to understand and enjoyable for everyone! make sure you take part...
[**<font color="ffffff">Name
That Fleet!</font>**](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2939) Clan Arcona competition for naming the new ships in the Clan Arcona fleet.
**[<font color="ffffff">Arcona
Run-On!</font>](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2942)** Clan Arcona run-on competition to get everyone writing with each other and establish links and writing styles. The run-in is set directly after the events of the GJW, but prior to RESURRECTION and whilst fictionally speaking a lot of our newcomers haven't technically arrived yet, it could be nifty to have some of you join us all the same!
<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> :: [ **Changes
to the Roll** ] :: </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#333333" width="750">
<table width="750">
<td width="750">
<big><big>MEMBERS IN:</big><big>** 4**</big></big>
> DJK Korto
Tol (new)
APP Irathar (new)
OP Ethran Sayre Isradia (from Rogues)
SWL Quejo Rak'ul Drakai (from Rogues)
OUT:</big></big><big><big> 1 </big>**</big>
> DJK Aalos Fier (to Rogues)
> DJK Garik
Burren (Crescent with Sapphire Star)<font size="2"><font face="Century Gothic, Tahoma, Verdana, sans-serif">
</font></font>DJK JScumm
(Crescent with Sapphire Star)
JH Draco
Maligo (Crescent with Sapphire Star)
DJK Xander
Drax (Crescent with Amethyst Star)
<big><big>SA COURSES PASSED: 2</big></big>
> JH Draco
Maligo (Lightsaber Studies)
DJK Xander
Drax (History of the Sith Empire III)
<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> :: [ **In
Service of Qel-Droma** ] :: </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" bgcolor="#333333">
<table height="118" width="708">
<td align="center"> <big>**_Quaestor
Xander Drax_**</big>
DJK Xander Drax (Obelisk)/QUA/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]
AC / DC / BN / Cr-3A-1S-3E-1T / CF / DSS-AgL / LS-GL / S:-1D-1Dk
{SA: KS: ToL - AS - ToS - AIM - IRC - GL - HTML1 - ACC - CM - HS1 - HSII - HSIII - PRH - GS -
<td align="center" background="http://www.lusankya.org/reports/catbga.jpg" bgcolor="#cccccc" height="18" valign="middle"> ::
Transmission End :: </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> </tbody>
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