Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hex Report #3

“Greetings mates, here I will mention my report for this week, and what activities you guys are doing. It seems that most of you are now returning to DB life, so I welcome you all back.

“Welcomes be to Sorrow, whom I hope we shall see more off in the coming weeks. I have also heard of rumors that Raist is returning from his Leave of Absence, so welcome back to you too.

“Vardar is around and active. Last I saw him he was helping me ‘lead’ the Battle Team in the Library of Lears, so thanks to him for that. Keep up the good work!”

Not many DB Wide competitions available this week, unless you’ve got multiplayer games. But still, we’ve got the Library of Lears event going on, so get busy!

Oh, and I’ve noticed Lannie emailing everyone on their trials. If you have any questions whatsoever on this, please do email me. I’ll be glad to help you.

Stuff To Do


oLibrary of Lears – Ekky Super Comp Week Three

o1. Picture It!

I will provide the description of something. The person to turn in the MOST HILARIOUS image that fits the description wins. The only catch is that the image must be Age Appropriate, so no nudity or pictures you would be too embarrassed to show your mom. I will accept Tal-Level humor though. Try to keep the images in the realm of a Google search!

Image Description - "It is long and smooth shaft, complete with two spheres at one end"

  1. Graphics -

A lot of times, people will doodle on paper when they are bored. Sometimes, they will make fun of the things making them bored. In this case, it is your Aedile. What sort of funny doodles can you make involving your beloved Aedile. Extra points will go to people who get my species correct.

  1. Gaming -

As tensions rise, so do your weapons. Play any DB approved game, and report your matches as usual. Sklib and I will count the number of Clusters of Fire earned, with the win going to the person with the Highest number.

oWeek two comps are still open, I think they were poems and fiction.

oSend your entries to Hel-Pa Sklib our dearest QUA and Vodo Biask our dear AED.

oThe Shadow Academy is included in two comps you guys can participate in, one being Vlad’s most passes comp and the other being the 5000th course comp.



oThe October MTs finally went through the MAAs gaze, so go do it!


oThe Bryar Bowl and the ACC Championships are running, so good luck to our members still in.

oShad’s October Gaming Tourney is around, so go JA/JO/EAW/BF/BF2!!!

oThe trivias(Tal Trivia and Shadow Academy Trivia) are around. Email Duga for info on Tal Trivia.

oVodo was(is, I’m not sure) running an AED’s Challenge comp. I think it is put on hold since the start of the Super Ekky Thing – LoL comp, but email Vodo if you are curious.

•Other Stuff

oI forgot to insert a hex site link in my last report, but I’m sure you’ll find them in this report way at the bottom where it belongs.

oI qualified for the ACC, so feel free to challenge me.

oI will be running a Hex only comp as soon as the LoL ends, so look forward to that.

•Medals and Shadow Academy Stuff

oNo I believe there’s no activity in this topic this week. I can say I’m a bit disappointed but well, we got lives to lead don’t we :P


oParticipate in the LoL. Cmon peepz show the world what Hex is made off.

oPlay multiplayer star wars online games. Keep grinding ‘em CFs!

oBe active, and have fun!

Well that concludes this report. If you have any questions/ideas/comments feel free to contact me at this email, or you can find me on IRC almost any time 

Till next report,

#7557 JH DarkAmiz – Krath Tetrarch of Battle Team Hex

Important Links

Dark Brotherhood -

Message Boards -

Antei Combat Center -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Codex -

Dark Compendium -

Dark Covenant -

Clan Taldryan -

House Ektrosis -

Battle Team Hex –

Taldryan Codex -

Competitions Page -

IRC Guide -

Clan Summit -

Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Summit (I’ve added my email here, even if I am not house summit yet.)-

Ektrosis Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Battle Team Hex Sith Commander DarkAmiz ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

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