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Clan Report: Volume 2 Report#6 for Week Ending 21/10/07
This is the first week with our new summit in place and I am pleased to say that things are going well - not perfect, but good enough!!! There have been a lot of activity options generated by the various leaders at all levels and it is great to see so much going on. What we need now is the loyalty and the commitment of the Arconan members to support our activities and get involved in making this Clan active. Remember, we as a summit, are here to facilitate you and improve your Brotherhood experience. We're trying our best now it's your turn to give back to us and make all our recent activities a success.
Project Resurrection: SUMMIT CHANGES<>
Unfortunately Etah d`Tana resigned from RM and Envoy of Qel-Droma and Drodik has not been in touch since he was appointed Aedile. Etah will be back when time allows, as for Drodik, I hope he is OK and I hope he understands why I needed to remove him from office.
Quaestor Xander Drax has requested that SBL Quejo Xyler be appointed to Aedile and DJK Garik be appointed to Roll Master and Envoy. Congratulations to the both of you and I wish you the best of luck in your new positions. I am sure you will both continue to impress and work ahrd for your House and Clan.
Clan Envoy Duties <>
As many of you know, DJK Rho d`Tana has taken over the role of Mayda Ferium and is also the Roll Master of House Galeres. I'd just like to publicly extend my thanks to Rho for his IMMENSE work since taking over. He is doing a way better job than any of his predecessors and he's doing it with vigour, enthusiasm and professionalism. I am totally astounded at how well he is managing his workload and the attention to detail he is offering our Clan's new lifeblood. The positive impact you are having on Arcona's future is hard to see at this stage, but we all owe you our thanks and hope you continue to fulfil your duties to the same high standard for a long time to come.
Furthermore, Rho has recently started collating the Master/Student information for Arcona. Can all members of Galeres mail Rho with their info and can members of Qel-Droma please CC RM/Envoy Garik if they:
Are currently in a Master/Student pairing.
Are an APP-JH who would like a Master for mentoring purposes.
Are a DJK+ and would like to take an apprentice on.
Project: RESURTRECTION - Shadow Oath<>
Most of you are aware of my recent policy implementation, the Arconan Shadow Oath. This will directly effect new members/ those who join us under the rank of GRD. I'll not say anymore, just link you to the policy and ask you to read it and be aware of it. Click HERE to read.
Current Events WIKI Page...<>
The new T:WIKI has setup a _"Current Events" _page in the DB wiki. You should all bookmark this link HERE to check and see what current competitions are running in Arcona. All summit members should, from today onwards, update this wiki page as soon as the competition they have requested on the DB site has been approved. This will not only sure that members have the most current comps easily at hand, but it means that the Envoy's can refer to new members directly to one link, which will be in all "welcome e-mails".
Another report done. I'm happy with the way the summits have worked out, I'm happy with our new start and I'm happy with our new structure and setup. All we need now is as much participation and effort as we can muster from all the members. I still have one more policy to implement which will redefine the way Arcona will be run in the future and if kept in place, will help to ensure that regardless of which leaders come and go, the Clan should always be able to continue on without them. Once everyone has settled in I will then release this to you all...until now - feel teased :P
As always, if anyone has any problems at all then please don't hesitate to contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
<span class="453415720-07012007">Embrace the Darkness,</span>
<div dir="ltr" align="left"><div><div><span class="453415720-07012007"><span class="062133016-03122006"><span class="718113318-05012007" style4> <span class="style12">** DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
**"Guardian of Arcona"
Consul of Clan Arcona</span>
<span class="style12">DJM Mejas Doto (Krath)/CON/Arcona [ACC: CL:3]
DS / EDx2 / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-CoI / AC-RoT / DC-DP / SN / BN-AgL / Cr-2D-2R-2A-4S-1E / CF-BlF / DSS-EL / SI / LS-AgL / S:-11M-3D
{SA: KS: ToL - ToS - IRC - GL - D: KCORE - GS} </span></div> </div> </div>
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