Consul Report #23
October 25, 2007
Welcome to yet another Consul report. Its been a while since my last one, but life has been hell lately. This past weekend, I spent Friday and Saturday night shooting a movie. They were both night shoots, though, so I was up from 7 PM to 7 AM. Ive spent this week getting back on a normal sleep schedule, heh.
Still, progress is being made in the clan, and it is all for the better. So, lets get on with the report!
Shikyo = Herald!
Grats to my new Proconsul Ky Terrak, Quaestors Kal and Jagan, and Aediles Cipher and Arcadian. You guys are gonna do great!
Grats to Cipher and Derev for winning the Halo 3 tournament. Even though it was a while ago, you cant complain that I left you out :P
Dismal recently went Rogue for reasons Im not listing here. Hes on IRC, so if you really want to know, and he feels like telling you, then talk to him or myself. He did a lot of work for Plagueis, though, and will be missed.
Derev resigned as Dark Voice Tribune. Think youve got what it takes? Apply now!!
The new degree program for the Shadow Academy has begun to be released. Find out information on that <a href target=_blank>here. Also, if you have done what is needed to get the degree, we in Clan Plagueis email Praetor Bubba. I repeat, EMAIL BUBBA.
Take the Clan Plagueis History SA course. For you guys, it is an easy course to pass. So take it! Im just going to keep bugging you all until you do so, so it is in your best interest to do so :P
The updating of all our Wiki articles continues to go well. From the looks of things, most of our major updates will be finished within three weeks. As of now, the Clan Plagueis article has been completely update, history and all, so take a look at that. House, planet, and event articles are also being worked on by our leaders and members. Thanks to those that are helping, and if you want to email Ky and myself. You will be awarded for doing so!
The new fleet was awarded a while ago, and information on our new ships is slowly being compiled by Vess. Right now, we have several ships named, as well as tons of names for our squadrons. From the looks of things, our new fleet should be completely written and put up on the Wiki by December 1st. Vess, that is your deadline as of now :P
Ky and I have started to edit to biographies we got for our Sistros NPCs, and will write the remaining ones ourselves, or contract the project out to volunteers. If you like to write history, this project is for you. You will be awarded, obviously.
No clan competitions out right now, but there will be in the future (go bacon!). Both houses have competitions running, however, as well as the battle teams (join one!) and the Brotherhood as a whole. So, if you arent working on a project (volunteer!) then theres plenty for you to do.
P.S. I will be releasing a new bacon competition this weekend. Stay tuned for more info!
Grats to everyone in a new leadership position!
Apply for Dark Voice Tribune!
Take Clan Plagueis History course!
Wiki articles are being worked on. Volunteer to help for awards!
New fleet is being written (descriptions, history, stuff like that)
Sistros Workers are being written. Volunteer to help for awards!
Participate in house competitions!
Sith Warlord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar
Consul of Plagueis
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