Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings all,

Well, that was some week! A few awards ACC events and our Library run-on has come to an end. I would like to thank all of you who participated. Thank the Aesir I made it out alive... :D

Now, as you know the comps are not done yet. There’s still plenty to do.


Phoenix run-on. Bubbles already reminded every one (Bubbs, I love you) so get crackin’...!

1.Fiction: Write about how you or a group of others apprehended the

Yuuzhan Vong thief, and the artifact they stole (and what you do with it!)

  1. Poetry: Write a poem about how great it is to be free of the Library

now that the conflict was resolved

  1. Caption Contest:

State of the Clan adress has been posted on the Taldryan page. Go ahead and read it. Pretty nice...


Crescent with Saphire Star awarded to ; Mal’ari’carun, Tirano, Bubbles and Lokasena.

2Clusters of Fire awarded to; Tirano.

Komari Vosa will hence forth be known as Asani. Asani has asured me she will be writing as Komari in the Phoenix run-on.

BTL Amiz of Battle Team Hex and I hve started a series of projects. One of wich will be an inter-BT comp. Just small ones to keep activity going and are fun to do.

So watch out for those...

We are also working an a dictionary for all the DB acronyms that can be very confusing some times.

That is all for now. Good holliday to Bubbles and greetings to you all.

JH Lokasena Corvinus.

Krath Tetrarch of Phoenix Phyle.


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