Cipher shook her head as she stared at her screen... so much activity last week, and yet, so little this week. What had gone wrong? She thought for a moment, but with the answer escaping her, she cast the thoughts aside and proceeded with her report.
OK! Where did everyone go? Are we all on vacation!? :P Let's try and get the activity back up here people!!! Do more courses, do some comps, heck, I'll even give you points if you scratch my back!!!
INI Valanis and INI dante sparda promoted to APP as they just joined us.... more on that later...
Dark Cross for Royal -> Congrats!!
VanWyck - Completed Lightsaber Studies, Completed Training Saber Course
Kor VanTil - Completed Clan Plagueis History
No activity here really....
WELCOME TO APP Valanis and APP dante sparda!!! Welcome to HEK both of you!!! Drinks for all!!!
No Transfers... unless you cound Caedo switching to the Obelisk Order... What is my apprentice thinking?? Krath is where its at!!! :P
The BT Exar's Shadow is holding a Motto comp... Go grab some crescents!!!
Various Graphics
Omicron Station Wiki Creation
Kapsina Wiki Update
Boosting activity within the ranks, especially APPs...
Various Graphics for people
Other stuff... A fond farewell to Julius Ceasar... he has gone to the rogues due to Real Life... May he better luck in his future!
Factoid of the Week: I'm a girl. A girl that likes video games. There.. I said it. Sorry guys, this princess is in another castle. ;)
Activity!!! I like activity!! I challenge all HEKers to flood my inbox with emails of tests taken, medals earned, promotions earned, even just competition entries!!! Please?! I'm beegging you! FLOOD MY INBOX!!! I DARE YOU!!!
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