Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

==House Galeres Quaestor Report #1==


A relatively quiet week this week considering the changes that have been happening recently. However, the activity is still relatively consistent, and this isn’t a bad thing so good work all.

The SA Degree program is still rolling onwards, with part 3 having been released recently.

Clan RO is still ongoing, but seems to have slowed slightly. I’ll be doing a post soon which will allow any of you who have yet to post to find a good excuse to get involved, and remember that activity is always good for making me happy and keeping you in the House as opposed to being AWOLed.

All other news in your sector can be found at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp


OK guys, I don’t know how many of you actually read these reports, but I’m disappointed that I’ve had NO submissions for either of the competitions I have run. I can understand that you are doing other things, but these comps are easy medals.

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=House_Galeres#Base_of_Operations <-- It doesn’t have to be huge, it can be either a written description or a picture, and anything of at least a paragraph will count. All you have to do is describe/draw a new base for Galeres, simple. Ends November 1st.

The next comp is an update of people’s wikis. As long as it’s up to date DB wise, send me a link to it and IT WILL COUNT. So, if you’ve updated it before, just send me the link and be in with the chance to get a medal. Simple. Ends November 1st.

The Clan RO is still ongoing, you can see it at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4767


Medals for Galerians this week:

JScumm – LS, Cr-1S

Zandro – Cr-1T

Malidir – Cr-1T


Davric Maarg to Novice! Good work!

=Courses Passed=

Davrik – History of Sith Empire I, ACC Initiates, Pre-Republic History

Caliburn – Lightsaber Studies, Sith Alchemy, Sith Core, Force Philosophy

Korto Tol – Dark Brotherhood Basics

=Members In/Out=


Ember Darklight, Trevo


Morgan Arkarso

=Extra Bits and Pieces=

Not a lot to say except keep on with the activity and make use of the comps going on at the moment. They aren’t hard, won’t take long and will help towards that promotion/medal you have your eye on...

=Song of the Week=

I Was Right – New Years Day

Thanks guys, until next time…

SW Zandro Savric Erinos (Sith)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [ACC: CL:2-ACE]

GC / SC-SoF / AC / DC-CP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-3R-11A-7S-5E-5T-1Q / CF-GoF / DSS / LS / S:-5D-2Do-7Dk-8P

{SA: KS: ToL - AS - IRC - MSN - ACC - TW - ST - CSS - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}

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