Report time. <p>
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It's been a while, and I've been up to my eyeballs in work. A lot of it is stuff I can't really explain, as it'd ruin the surprise, but I'll still tease you guys a little bit.
Oooh, shiney.</p><p>
I was working up some stuff for other projects for clan possessions, and was able to slip this one in for Duga. It gives you a good idea of what sort of look we're going to be working with for the clan possessions.</p><p>
Another cool development that many of you will get to participate in, when we're ready to launch.</p><p>
This is a teaser on some new stuff that will be released for specific order. I'm not showing it all off yet, as we're still figuring out all the cool ORDER PERKS. :D</p><p>
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So yeah, we've been very busy lately, working on generating a lot of new content for you guys to enjoy. We've been talking about some pretty seriously in-depth things to add on to the site, create a more involved experience for people to partake, should they want to.
"But Muz, why don't you tell us exactly what you're working on now?"<p>
One word: Rebirth.
If you weren't around for the rebirth deal, it was basically the unveiling of all the plans that the DC had for the site at the time, and it laid all the stuff out on the line for everyone to look at. It got everyone really excited and eager... and then half the people working on its various aspects pretty much disappeared. That left the timelines for expected launch waaaaay off, and this ticked off a lot of people to no end. It also made people practically ignore the dozens of small projects that were part of it.
Well, we pretty much learned our lesson on that. We work a lot on things quietly, then give you guys a taste when we're not terribly far from implementation. Then, when we drop the whole thing on you, there's less "it's about time." and more "Whoa, that's cool." which makes it a lot easier for us to continue working our... ahem.<p>
And yeah, I know I give you guys mostly graphics to look at, but that's not all i do up here. It's just easier to show you little bits of graphics than it is to give little declassified segments of our proposals and codes. I might be wrong, but I think that the way I'm doing it is better than doing some CIA declassification style crap.<p>
Although, i might be waaay off-base. :P
Anyway, to be very clear, Rebirth is a ongoing project, a constant revision and upgrade of the site that can't really be seen as a single project. <p> </p><p>
Congrats and thanks go to:
Sephiroth and Ashura for being studs as envoys.
Derev for his hard work.
Royal for scoring a Dark Cross.
Korras for all he did (and has recently retired).
Shikyo for getting named as Herald.
CSP and Arcona for having their big comps mostly wrapped up, and CNS for being right behind them.
Bloodfyre for owning his situation. Hope that your arm gets better, buddy.
All the dozens of people who scored Crescents this week.
And whoever wins the King of the Hill comps (you have about an hour left!)</p><p>
And that's about all I got for this time. Thanks for reading through.
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Crap like that is one reason DJM's are soooooo hated. :P That said, hopefully we will see the fruits of Rebirth soon. Keep up the work and thanks for the time given for it.
Thanks, Daniel... we are continually working on it. Actually the point of that whole diatribe is to say that we've gotten a good bit of the rebirth stuff in play already... but there's still a fair bit to be done. It's kinda unfair to only look at things under that banner, rather than on their own merits. But yeah, we're still plugging away at it, and we're glad people are anxious for it, and that, I think, is the important part.
/me tries to peek into the secret "Rebirth" folder.
steals the Holocron from Muz's report