Battle Team Night Hawks Report (02/11/07)
Well, it's the first report after the Night Hawks have gotten new leadership under us, Faeril Munlear and Nero Pennant. We've gotten ourselves settled and are ready to bring the Night Hawks into a new age of activity and glory!
First the competitions still ongoing:
The Orian Invasion is still running until Monday, so get some submissions in by then, or write a post in the Run-On which is proceeding smoothly with lots of good writing from all. It's an opportunity to show us your writing and roleplaying skills, so don't miss it. :D
Now for a new competition:
Seeing as how Halloween has just passed us by, we've decided that in order for the BT to get to know one another better we're going to hold an impromptu beauty contest :P If any of you have pictures of your costume for Halloween send them in to us, and we'll compile them and vote on who has the best costume! But if you weren't out trick or treating (or partying, as the case may be) then we would like a half a page maximum description of your ideal costume. The scarier, freakier, and ghoulish descriptions will win :D
None, though hopefully we'll see a few after the Invasion of Orian arc is finished :D
None. Several inactive members have left by being AWOL'd
Closing Remarks
We've not had much to do this week since we've only just begun to plan everything and there are heavy-duty things going on, but as time goes on we'd like to see to it that the Night Hawks becomes one of the foremost and active BT's in the Clan.
In Darkness,
Nero Pennant & Faeril Munlear
Co-Leaders of the Night Hawks Battle Team, House Marka Ragnos
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