Hex Report #5
Good day all. This is your Tetrarch speaking. I will only take a moment of your time to summarize all the activities done and those that can be done. To most it may be a shorter report compared to some of my last, but I believe in this report for once there are multiple very active members in Hex, and I salute you.
I believe, yes, Sliver has hit the ground running with his arrival and Vardar is still gaming, even if it is not in his somewhat familiar GJW background battles.
Now, onwards to other stuff, aka medals and stuff, like in all the other reports before this.
Stuff To Do
-November Gaming Competition
-All gamers can play ANY game of their choice. As long as it is multiplayer-able and are played with a fellow db-er, youre all good. Oh, and no mmos(mmorpgs, other mmos).
Link here:
-Dark Brotherhood: Infinities
-Members can write about fictional characters, of ANY genre, and put em here. The beef said something bout Avenger vs Justice League, and Care Bears vs Ewoks. SO be creative and well, you get the idea.
Link here:
-The Saga Part 1
-One of the projects the Fiction Tribune must have planned for us. Basically write about yourself and stuff. Read it at the link I provided.
Link here:
-Da Star Wars Imagery For Hex #1
-Go to the forum and do this NOW! Just post a funny pic from star wars and gain an easy medal. Heh.
Link here:
-AEDs Challenge
-Write about this:
Write a humorous fiction involving the title of the story above. The catch is! THE FICTION MUST BE NO LONGER THAN 500 words! It must have a beginning, a middle, and an end; ALL IN 500 WORDS OR LESS!!! And I will be using MSWord's Word Count feature to measure!
Link Here:
-Bring Down The Thunder
-Another Vlad comp, this time for gaming. Just snatch up lots of CFs and this comp is done and dusted. Quite easy so to say.
Link Here:
-Tal Trivia
-As usual, compose a trivia and send it to Duga or wait for a trivia to come out and answer correctly.
Link here:
Shadow Academy and Medals.
-HTML Basics, Obelisk Core, History of the Sith Empire I, II, III, Astronomy
-Crescent with Emerald Star
Well done! =)
1x Cluster of Fire
Crescent with Sapphire Star x4
Crescent with Emerald Star x2
Other Stuff
-Im running a Hex only comp, so participate and show me your activeness. It will be rewarded.
-Again, congratulations to the winners from the Ekky Super Comp
-I didnt manage to send the last report to the house mailing list, but you can find it listed in my reports section of my dossier.
As usual, theres a MUST DO list. So in this week, what I want you all to do is:
-Submit something in the forums for the Hex comp
-Game, game and GAME!
-Write up some fiction for all those fiction comps, and I do believe it is fun enough to do(take a look at Vodos comp if you havent yet)
Well, again, that concludes my report. If there are any questions, feel free to ask. If you have any ideas on what comp you wanna participate in, feel free to tell me. If theres anything, anything at all, Im here if ya need me.
Amiz out.
JH DarkAmiz Krath Tetrarch of Battle Team Hex
Important Links
Dark Brotherhood - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php
Antei Combat Center - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Shadow Academy - http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Side Codex - http://codex.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Compendium - http://dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Covenant - http://covenant.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.net/
House Ektrosis - http://www.taldryan.net/ektrosis/
Battle Team Hex http://www.battleteamhex.s5.com
Taldryan Codex - http://www.taldryan.net/tal_codex/
Competitions Page - http://www.taldryan.net/competitions.php
IRC Guide - http://www.taldryan.net/dinaari/irc_guide.php
Clan Summit -
Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Summit (Ive added my email here, even if I am not house summit yet.)-
Ektrosis Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Battle Team Hex Sith Commander DarkAmiz ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Mailing lists -
Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
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