Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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_The Krath stood tall over the recruits and the acolytes of his House. He observed their faces and felt their emotions.
Some were interested in what was about to happen, eager to know why they were called. Others were not so, standing back in the corners.

They will learn, soon enough...they will learn!_

Greetings members of Ravana!

After a fictional introduction, which I will put every time hopefully comes the main part, my first report in my second reign as leader of Ravana Squadron.

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The House Training program has been changed a bit.
I will train you all till you are Protector rank. After that you choose a master and advance with his/her guidence.

Who know maybe I will ebcome your master one day! :P

Ravana now has a forum topic where we can communicate more easily.

Ravana Squadron HQ

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Orian Invasion Comp finishes tonight. Get your last minute entries in if you have any.

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Umbra Lux and Ekeia Iclo have been graned the honor of beeing Protectors and they are therefore no longer a part of Ravana squadron. they have moved on to train with their new masters.

They are a good example, follow them.

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Umbra Lux - Crescent with Amethyst star(1) - For 5000th Exam in the SA.

Ekeia iclo - Crescent with Sapphire star(1) - For 5001st Exam in the SA.

Sarofel - Cluster of Fire(4)

Good to have a gamer in our midst. Nice work.

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Jalor Klenstan


Kraytirous Shalluat

Stuka van dar


Umbra Lux

Ekeia Iclo

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Trials of the Novice

In order to be promoted to Acolyte, the Novice must complete TWO of the following tasks (none of which were used to satisfy the requirements for promotion to Novice):

Pass the IRC Basics course.

Pass the Krath, Obelisk, or Sith CORE course.

Participate in a Competition.

Participate in a Gaming Night.

Complete a Minor Task set by the Master.

Join the Clan on IRC (Internet Relay Chat).

Register and Post a Message on the Clan Naga Sadow Message Board.

Following completion of TWO of these tasks, the rank of of Acolyte will be granted.

Trials of the Acolyte

In order to be promoted to Protector, the Acolyte must complete THREE of the following tasks (none of which were used to satisfy a previous promotion requirement):

Participate in 2 Competitions.

Earn a Crescent from a Competition.

Earn a Dark Side Scroll.

Earn a Cluster of Fire from a Gaming Night.

Contribute about 2,500 bytes worth of work on a CNS-related wiki article. Contact the clan summit for a listing of articles that still need work.

Complete a Minor Tasks set by the Master (BTL, AED, or QUA is acceptable if Acolyte has no Master)

Following the completion of THREE of these tasks, the rank of Protector will be granted.

Granted you can email me if you wish a task from me: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

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Im very proud of Umbra and Ekeia for surpassing the Battleteam. I wish them luck in their further DJB career.

Now everone else! Id like to see you do it as well. Go to the next level. Especially Novices.

Soon I'll be requesting a few competitions. All different in type for all of you to do. Thats all from me! Have a great time in the DB and remember:

Be active, help your House advance.

For the glory of Marka Ragnos!

In Darkness,

Tyren Atema

Commander of Ravana Sqaudron

Magistrate to the Herald

Magistrate to the Grand Master

House Envoy of Marka Ragnos

Twin brother of Ylith Atema <-

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