Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Malaki wandered into his office, as he jumped in shock his files in his hands flew everywhere. The knight grumbled and stared at the new arrival sat on his personal chair, his feet upon the table. Fresh meat for the grinder, Malaki thought in some odd weird way.

“Nokkon! When I meant this is your new home I didn’t literally mean treat it like this is your home, those feet are post to be on the floor and that is my seat… if you excuse me I have a report to write up last minute.”

The protector jumped out of the seat, his grin of embarrassment grew upon his face, he walked over to the commander. Malaki couldn’t keep a straight face, he let out a random giggle.

“Sorry, Here sit….. This isn’t as easy as it looks alright, oh my random moments. I thought I best bet something for our new arrival, Rum and my famous cookie selection” Malaki cheekily ran on.

“Ah no sir, I really shouldn’t, I have trials to complete” Nokkon replied.

Malaki sighed, he put a glass in front of the protector filled with the best of rum. The smell of fresh baked cookies filled the gloomy air.

“Nokkon its your day, take a break and enjoy, tomorrow you will start work, just have fun alright?”

Malaki got stopped by the annoyance of his comlink buzzer, on the other side was his Quaestor’s voice.

“Malaki I need you to do something for me, get to my office prompt and bring that report, and I mean bring that report no squirming you way out on this one. And will you hurry up, why aren’t you here already here!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Souls of Darkness

Battle Team Report

Clan / House News

Clan wise, Lucien is looking for CSP Facebookers and Myspacers to help out in a project, something based to help our Clan out and the completion of a task from the

summit. Email him back if you are interested…..

House wise, Deadly Deceptions week 1 ends Sunday so I hope you have all contributed something towards that

Battle Team News

Battle Team wise, Id would like to Welcome and Congratulate Protector Nokkon in becoming the Proselyte of Tenacity.

A big well done to Fionn dan Locut'Hal in an ACC promotion to Learner.


Most emails I’ve had in a while, Id like to say well done for what everyone has earn Themselves

Cethgus- 12x CF’s , 2x Cr-E , 2x Cr-T

Malaki- 12x CF’s , 2x Cr-E, 3x Cr-S, 1x Cr-A

Tyno- 2x Cr-A

Shadow Academy

A big round of applause to Xathia who passed her Krath core exam with a score of 90.

Any other Business

Except from, I would like to see some names come through as heroes of Caliburnus for the House wide competition running, not much at all. One thing though, if anyone has a suggestion for a Battle team Competition they think would be quite fun to run email me on [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Random Thought!

" Is it through that a man's manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait?"

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