Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

Family and Clan naming policy: It's been around for a bit just not so easily located. It's now up on the policies page and on the wiki. Here's a link in case you want to read it.

Family and Clan policy

The good rec's guide and Equite promotions guidelines are still up. No one has screwed up on this as of late, congrats to you all :P

Good Rec's

Equite Guideline

Well that's it again. Nothing new and shocking to talk about. Keep up the good work all you leaderish folks. You know if you have a problem with something I remand or deny come talk to me and I'm willing to chat and see what we can work on so long as you do it in a civil manner.

Bonus: What the MAA job has done to me :P


LOL, I like that :P

Pretty good, made me laugh.

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