<head> <title>Class Plagueis ProConsul Report</title> </head>
_ About time for another report. The biggest news to report is the loss of WAY to many of our members to the AWOL check. Most of these members were inactive from the time they joined the club so it was just dead weight. we have a set of really good members at the moment so lets try to get activity booming. Take a look at the competition sections to see whats going on this week in the clan. Remember to take a look at the bottom for the continuaiton of the Crimson Tide Fiction. _
<legend><big><big>December Fiction </big></big></legend>
<dl> <dt>We are going to be starting a new Clan wide Comp in the coming weeks. to get us all prepared for it we are having a bit of fiction for you guys.
Take a look at the run-on the journeymen of our clan participated in Here. This is going to be where the comp picks up.
So for your assignment.
The journeymen returned home without Callus. Write a 2+ page fiction on your feelings about the fate of Callus, what you do over the next few days and how you prepare for the battles that will be forthcoming. Make sure that you DO NOT speculate about Callus' fate in any way except wonderment. Do not begin any battles just prepare for them.
Up for grabs are 4th level crescents.
Send all submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject December Fiction
<small>Comp Details</small>
<legend><big><big>Quote of the Week </big></big></legend>
<dl> <dt>Silent </dt><dd>"damn it people! i mean come on you do this and do that and all of a sudden you get freaking promoted i mean COME ON dont you think you could of done better? just 1 promo for the each of ya......so sad. but on another note, CONGRATS!" </dd></dl>
Want to get your quote here and get a shiny for it? Let me hear your funny and witty comments in everyday emails and IRC. =)
<small>Comp Details</small>
<legend><big><big>Identify That Song </big></big></legend>
<dl> <dt>First person to email with the name of the band and the title of the song gets a crescent.
</dt><dd>Listen to Me
<small>Comp Details</small>
<legend><big><big>Recognizable Mentions </big></big></legend>
<dl> <dt>This week I get the honor of again reporting on some new Equites! Yay!!
</dt><dd>Callus Bo'Amar from Dark Jedi Knight to Templar </dd><dd>Arcadian from Dark Jedi Knight to Templar
<dt><font color= "#5dfc0a">Some Special Medals</font>
<legend><big><big>Welcome to Plagueis </big></big></legend>
<dl> <dt>New Members </dt><dd>Make sure you guys make them all feel at home.
Zertis into HSK
nghtkralwr into HEK
Crysral into HSK
Korranos Force into HEK
Vengen Stormshadow into HEK
Gaius Julius Caesar Back into HSK =)
<legend><big><big>Promotions </big></big></legend>
<dl> </dl>
<font color="#5dfc0a">Since all promotions are super awesome here they are. Congrats your guys!!!</font>
Alaris Jin from Protector to Guardian
Kor VanTil from Protector to Guardian
strats from Protector to Guardian
Xieon from Apprentice to Novice
te me nekaka fron Protector to Guardian
It seems we have a little race between these four to see who makes DJK First. Who will win?
<fieldset> <legend><img src= "http://www.platform29.com/ky/db/cplittle.jpg""><big><big>Plagueis Shadow Academy Course </big></big></legend>
<dl> </dl>
te me nekaka
I know, I know... Its about time =)
<legend><big><big>Plagueis Updates and Misc. </big></big></legend>
<dl> </dl>
<dt><font color="#5dfc0a">Plagueis Fleet</font> <dd>We have been in the process of rebuilding our fleet after the destruction that we felt during the vong attack. A few of the ships that we will be getting,_ Instigator, Ballista, The Baron and Perdition._
<dt><font color="#5dfc0a">Master Student Program</font> <dd>We are making sure that ALL members that dont have either a master or a student that can does so if you are either a PRT to JH and dont have a master then let me know or if your qualified as a master and dont have a student then also please let me know.
<dt><font color="#5dfc0a">Competitions</font> <dd>There are some really major history changing clan wide competitions coming out starting in December so make sure you guys are ready for them.
<legend><big><big>Crimson Tide </big></big></legend>
Alonzo stood at the rusty door, waiting. He had left his pod a few hundred kilometers away, and made his way here. This had been the plan all along, from what a small message he had received said. He was to meet Captain Crimson and others at this location, so here he waited. He had plans, of course, to regain his status as Callibans right-hand man. They were good friends after all, but then there was that Doctor Fenson Ryburn. Alonzo hated the man. All he had done was save Callibans arm, and now hes a high ranking member. It had taken years for Alonzo to gain what status he had in the Tide, and then to have it taken away by the blasted Jedi..
The door buzzed, and then it opened so fast Alonzo barely had the time to see the hand come out and pull him inside. He was immediately surrounded by darkness, but could tell from experience that there was at least three figures in the room. Suddenly, a small light shined in his face, and he was pulled to his feet.
"About time you returned," a voice said from behind the glowlight, "What took you so long?"
Alonzo snorted and then replied back to Calliban, "Ran into some pirate problems."
"Ah, yes."
A light turned on above them, and a small room with nothing but the four people currently in it appeared before Alonzo. Calliban stood a few feet in front of him, with two guards at his side. The captain looked much older then before, probably from all the troubles hes been going through lately. His hair was dirty, and it looked like he hadnt slept in weeks. The two guards didn't look much better, and their guns were dirty and capable of misfiring any second. Their armor was scratched, and would probably break into pieces if one were to drop it from a third story building. There was a door behind them that probably led to the rest of the facility.
"Were you not going to bring more troops," Calliban inquired, "That's what you had said."
"Yes, but the Dark Jedi found me again," Bodelle replied with a sneer, "They took care of our reinforcements."
Calliban stood still for a second, then swung his glowlight and knocked Alonzo upside the head so hard that he fell back against the wall. He got back on his feet and wiped away the blood from the side of his head.
"You idiot!," Crimson screamed, "You brought the Jedi with you? How stupid can you be?"
Alonzo shook his head to regain complete consciousness and then said, "They did not follow me to the surface. When the ship blew they left."
"To get more troops no doubt."
"Don't be so cautious. I handled them."
"The same way you did when you were captured, and I had to get those would-be pirates to get you out?"
Alonzo glared at Calliban for a second, seemingly taken back by the way his old friend had regarded him. Obviously, the recent times had taken a hard toll on the captain.
Five minutes later, the two were in another bare room, except this one with a long table in the middle of it. Alonzo stood at the door, while Calliban took his seat at the head of the table. Around the table sat various people, some of which the Devaronian did not recognize.
"Gentlemen," Calliban said to the guests, "Let me introduce to you Alonzo Bodelle, my good friend and ally. He's been with me through better or worse, and I welcome him back into my house."
Some nodded, others didn't, Alonzo only stared.
Calliban continued, "This is Jonah Kraul," pointing to the man sitting a few chairs down from Calliban dressed in Imperial officer clothing, "And this," Calliban said as he pointed to the Dashade sitting next to Kraul, "is Ravian Pulastra. Oddly enough, these two just happened to come upon our last enough with Plagueis, and retreated as we did. Both have agreed to help us in our cause. Ravian will act as General of our land seige while Admiral Kraul handles the fleet."
"We are eager to kill," Ravian said is deeply accented Basic.
"Indeed," Jonah followed up also with an accent, although not as deep, "We will do our part, as long as we get the action you promised, Crimson."
"Yes, yes," Calliban said as he pushed aside the thought, "You will see plenty of action, I promise that."
He turned to the rest of the table and continued on, "Here we have Jedi Master Nemo Dupar and his apprentice Semyon Cain. Both have agreed to act as spies for us, and might I say I am very much thankful for the information they've gathered so far, and will continue to."
"Within reason," Nemo spoke up quickly, although Calliban seemed not to have heard him as he continued to speak.
"And then you know Dr. Ryburn here," he said as he looked towards the man sitting to his left, "As well as Raxor Kidd," he said to the young man to his right. Alonzo suddenly became aware that Raxor was sitting in his seat, his chair, to the right of Calliban.
He snorted, "Calliban, may I have a word?"
"Of course, my friend," the aging man said as he stood and walked out of the room with Alonzo. As soon as the door was closed, Alonzo let loose his concerns.
"How dare you let the boy take my position," he yelled just loud enough to make his point, but not to where the others would hear him, "After all I've done for you, and you replace me with some midget teenage brat. There's no reason why I..."
"Alonzo, Alonzo, please, calm down," Calliban said calmly, "You were gone for quite a while, I had to get someone to assist me, and Raxor had the willingness to learn. He's actually turned out quite well, although not as well as you."
"Then why can you not replace him again, simple explain to him that his term here was temporary," Alonzo asked, still fumming with anger.
"Because," Calliban said while keeping his cool, but making sure to get his point across, "We are at a time right now when I cannot let people as high as him just go. He knows too much."
Calliban took a few steps around the room, straightening the firm robe he wore, and ran his head over his smooth bald head before continuing, "Just be patient, Alonzo. Don't worry about who is standing at my side, because it will always be you who has my back."
Bodelle said nothing at this, as he simply stared at the wall, silent.
"Why don't you take control of one of the sectors while you're here, to keep you busy. I think the Black Death are without a commander. You know them, yes?"
Alonzo did know who the Black Death were, a group of five assassins, the deadliest soldiers in the Tide. Previously they had seen little action in the dealings with Clan Plagueis, but Calliban had been training them for a special mission when it came to his final attack.
"I thought so," Calliban said as he started to move back towards the door, "Now, let's go take our seats, we have plans to finish. After all, Plagueis still stands, and until they fall I will never have sleep. Come, my friend, we have Jedi to... exterminate."
Alonzo had always considered Calliban's solid trust in those around him a weakness. While he personally would never betray him, he was not so sure about Dupar, Cain, or the others. Nonetheless, he would deal with Raxor later, there were more pressing matters at the moment. Thus, he followed Crimson's lead back into the briefing room.
<font color="#5dfc0a"></font>
<dd>Tune in next week for the conclusion.
_ "Verd orishya beskargam _
OT Ky Terrak (Obelisk)/PCON/Clan Plagueis [GMRG: IND] [ACC: INI]
GC / SC-SoF / AC-ToDS / DC-SP / GN / Cr-6A-4S-2E-3T / PoB-AgL / CF-SF / SI / LS-BL / S:-6D-2Dk-4P
SA: KS: ToL - DBB - AS - AIM - ICQ - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - LF - HTML1 - ACC - SC - D: KCORE - TW - ATW - HS1 - PRH - O: SCORE - TA - ESET - K: OCORE - TE - TS - MRK}
dossier # 6591
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