Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings all,

First off I would like to apologize for the lack of reports from me lately, but real life decided to kick me hard so I haven’t been able to be on as much as I would like, nor to sit down and get a report together. Hopefully however, stuff will settle back down and I can now get back to our regularly scheduled report. =)

House News:

Our House Event: Deadly Deceptions has entered its final week. This is a new chapter in the House’s history and you have a chance to help shape it. It is also a great opportunity for you to earn awards and possibly promotions for your efforts, so get out there and participate!! Don’t let the chance to earn shinies pass you by!

Deadly Deceptions Event Site:


In other news, I have several major house projects that I am looking for help with. Many of them are graphic intense, so if you are graphically inclined and wish to help the house out with these projects, please email me and let me know. There are also projects needing skilled and willing writers as well, so again, email me and let me know if you want to help out.

House Direction:

House Caliburnus is constantly moving forward, we are on the verge of closing yet another new chapter in our House’s story. Upon the completion of Deadly Deceptions, we will be entering a new phase in our History and our fiction.

However with the coming holidays we will be having time for fun and relaxation. I have some special stuff planned, but won’t spoil the surprise; you’ll just have to wait and see.

*House Plans: *

The House Website will be undergoing a major overhaul this month, many sections expanded, rewritten or new ones completely added.

The House Wiki pages will also be getting a thorough going over and many will be updated and edited, as well as new pages being added to expand the informational base regarding the House and all things related to it.

A major House project is underway to fully detail the House’s various facilities and holdings, this will help tremendously in future fictions as a resource on the House’s possessions. A huge thanks to all those already helping on this project, but there is a great deal more to be done.

These are all very time intense projects, if you would like to help in any of them, email me and let me know. Again, by taking part in these projects, you would be helping to shape the fictional history and expand the informational base on the House.

*Ras’ Random Thoughts of the Week: *>

What really makes the glorious green glowing guppies glow?

Sometimes we do have to learn to play nice with others, even if we do plan on killing them in the end.

“If you never stand up for what you believe in, you are destined to fall.” ~ StormRaven

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