Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Well, it’s the dawn of a new saga for Clan Naga Sadow. Trevarus ‘Caerrick’ Sadow or more widely know as Shan Long has taken up the mantel of Consul. He brings many years of experience in the DB with him and love for all things Sadow. This is the beginning of his second term as Consul and I’m sure he’ll do a fine job leading us. Congratulations, Trev!

We have been busy in HLK the past few weeks. The training runon is up and going, albeit slowly. If you haven’t posted and you are looking for things to do, please check it out and put yourself in. It is mostly geared for the Jade Serpents but anyone looking for runon training is welcome to come along on the mission. Please get with either myself or StarLion as to how to put yourself in.

The rest of the house has been a bit quiet lately and we need to get people moving.

I will be sending out emails to all the ranks over the next few days trying to find out how much time people have to do DB stuff and what interests them the most.

Outside the realm of Queastorly duties, I have also participated in Davin’s comp – Scavengers of the Jedi Praxeum (which ends Monday so if you want an easy shinny, get hopping!) I am also participating in the runon ‘The Mystery of Usharak Keep.’ Its been a lot of fun!

This week Faeril Munlear has taken the Knight Oath! She is currently finishing up her Knight trials and will soon be sporting that sabre! Watch your email for notification of her promotion; I’m sure it’s not too far off!

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