Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Malaki scattered around, a sack over his shoulder, striding around the Battle teams hang out. Looking an Christmas tree, placed so large in a corner, he opened the sack and emptied out the presents. Each address to a member of his battle team, he scattered away again without no sign of life.

“What’s going on here then? Oh wow look presents!”

Malaki looked back and saw Nokkon at the Christmas tree, he coughed making the guardian


“Oh sir hello, who put these presents here?”

Malaki laughed, hiding the sack behind his back. Nokkon yawned loudly, it was still dead dark outside, night had fallen and day wasn’t dew to hours away.

“Nokkon im more concerned on what your doing up at this time, back to bed with you, I cant have my battle team fall asleep on the job, goodnight”

Nokkon sighed and then walked back off. Malaki giggled and returned back to his quarters, filling in Christmas cards until he fell asleep.

Souls of darkness

Battle Team Report

The BIG one

Hey guys, its late but I’ve been extremely busy with coursework and RL, sorry, but now I have to catch up on two weeks worth of action ! Lets begin …..

Clan News: APP to ACO AWOL has seized, hope we don’t lose too many members. In other News The Oscars have returned at last, get all votes into Impetus ASAP.

House News: Anyone helping out in House projects you all need to get your work you have done so far into Silver. Deadly Deceptions results coming soon, hope I see some medal’s with your guy’s names on.

Battle Team news: We don’t have a Cethgus anymore, its now Cethgus Incendia. Other than that, I hope everyone is enjoying December, Now long till x-mas now. . . .Oh yes, I would like to give a round of applause to Nokkon for his promotion, Well Done Mate!


Lots of awards have counted up in my inbox so here they all are :

Fionn dan Locut'Hal : Cr-S x2 LS x4

Nokkon : Cr-A x2

Cethgus Incendia: Cr-E x2 CF’s x6

Shadow Academy

Well you to Nokkon for passing his Obelisk Core exam, I’m going to need more tea and scones after this…. Lol


Firstly to Xathia, a round of applause for gaining victory in the ACC against our own Quaestor, and then another win against Koskian…so I’d like to congratulate her on her success in writing, Well Done J

Wow, that was all a mouthful LOL

Final Thought

" The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people."

So a finally round of applause for everyone in our Battle team, your doing all well so im proud to see that. Enjoy you last days of December…… See ya around

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