Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hex Report #11

Greetings people. Another week has passed once more. Another report is coming out from my department, or position, or things. Simple report this week, with lesser talk and more stuff. >=P

Holidays on the way, Christmas getting nearer, my results are very much closer(gah!). Make sure your Christmas shopping are done, and after the long day spent away from the PC, feel free to do some of Tal’s wintery comps.

Ok then, comps time and other stuff time.


** _ DJB Level _**

Not much, except the Gaming Nights and SA Trivia.

** -Gaming Nights **

-Monday to Friday, playing gets CFs. CFs amount may vary from game to game.

** -SA Trivia **

-Every Sunday, 12 pm EST(Noon). On #shadowacademy. I’ve been winning LoSs for 2 weeks now. :P

** _ Tal Level _**

You should have received Duga’s recent email, and for convenience sakes I will copy+paste ‘em here.

** 1) The SHAFT: CTF Edition (December) **

A return of the SHAFT event we ran earlier this year, let's try and get back

into those fun matches that Taldryan really shines in! Play in the Gaming

Nights with others, in the ICTE, or even by just getting Clan members to

play together, it's all good fun and it'll help improve those skills for

future events.

** 2) Taldryan Topic: Kr'Tal Festivals **

This one is a fiction event for those wanting to write a more serious take

on the end of the year fictionally, our move into 28 ABY. Would be nice to

see some good fictions possibly opening up our system locations a bit more,

some of these would be good to put in the final Tal Times of the year also.

(Noting I have the end date as the 31st, but aiming for the 27th for those

to go in the TT)

** 3) Run-on: Party Time **

This is an off-the-wall Run-on that some should enjoy, it's not a serious

one but can be an enjoyable one. If this one is really great it'll be thrown

in the TT as well.

** 4) TT Article Competition **

This one is extended to the 27th so we can get any last minute submissions

in plus the other already mentioned pieces added. We could still use mock

interviews, an article or two, and some miscellaneous things if interested.

** _ Ekky Level _**

** Sklib’s Essay Comp **

Fiction event lasting a fairly long time, designed primarily to encourage a development of recent "history" as well as character development. Each "Chapter" of fiction will be 2-3 weeks long depending on circumstance, with a designated topic that will continuously follow a core plot.

Members do not need to participate in every week, and do not have to have done the fiction the week prior in order to do another one. Winning entries will be posted in the upcoming Ektrosis newsletter, and third-level crescents will be awarded to the participants with the most entries by the end of the competition. There will be ten topics over the course of the event.

I believe the 3rd chapter is out, details below:

The wearied Quaestor groaned on his cot; the Ysalimiri's Force-draining

effect was still taking its toll on the Tarasin.

"Are you alright?" the Aedile inquired.

Through clenched teeth, Hel-Pa replied, "Yeah... barely. I didn't think

it would be this bad..."

"We're just all glad you're back."

Hel-Pa nodded. He looked up at Vodo and braced himself against his

mattress, scooting his weak body up into a sitting position. He had

learned crucial information about Darga's operations, and needed

Ektrosis to act quickly to prevent further escalation and danger to his

House. "Get me a holoreceiver, Vodo, I'm going to make a broadcast to

the House."

"But, you're not exactly in the greatest condition," the Twi'lek replied.

"There's no time to lose," Sklib spat. Vodo exited the room and returned

a minute later with the device, and set it up at Hel-Pa's feet so that

it would only capture the Quaestor's face. "Is it on?" the Tarsin

inquired. Vodo nodded.



"My fellow Housemates. I appreciate the efforts of the brave souls that

rescued me from captivity, and I owe them my lives. I only wish it ended

there, though. Your loyalty will be tested now, and while it may seem

strange to you, you will need to do as I say. Darga the Hutt has

retreated to Cloud City on the planet Bespin. While our information is a

bit 'late', we believe that a small group of Ektrosians can intercept

the Hutt and our probes can further interrogate the Hutt as to his

intent of capturing myself. I do not ask you to do this out of

selfishness, but more to protect the House's security.

"The annual sabaac tournament is set to take place within the next few

days, and Ektrosis requires the best gamblers to take part in the

tournament. I have two spots reserved under the names "Donny Darko" and

"Richard Nixon" for the tournament, but others will be required to

observe the activities that take place during the tournament. The sabaac

players will need to be human or at least look human, and winning is

essential. The winners will not only receive a handsome sum of money,

but also dine with Darga that same evening. Remember, this is an

Imperial-controlled planet, so try to assimilate as best you can. I'll

forward you more specifics to your datapads, and may the Force be with you."


"You really think Sklib is doing it for himself?" Tirano whispered to


"Nah. At the very least, the Hutt has great sums of wealth that House

desperately needs after the construction of the great library," he

replied, twiddling his newly-crafted lightsaber.

"I heard the Hutt was using his income to fund some huge Imperial

project. What's that thing on Tatooine called again?" a Novice asked.

"A Skarback? Scorelock? Sarcrack? Something like that..." another replied.

"The Sarlaac Project. I've heard of it," Amiz coolly replied. "I

probably shouldn't, but I also heard rumors that the Imperials were

getting funds from backwater crime lords. We can only hope we don't run

into any... 'Imperial entanglements' on Bespin if we choose to go."

"Well that's the trick, isn't it?" Tirano chuckled.


Alright, same rules as before. Minimum of two pages single-spaced, and

no time limit for this or any of the other previous chapters. Things to

consider when writing: 1) You don't have to participate in the

tournament yourself, you can be snooping around the area looking for

important people/things... but I'm interested to hear everyone's

gambling stories. 2) You will meet Darga and be within killing distance

of him if you win the tournament or acquire other means to be his dinner

guest. Heavy focus on "killing distance". Use your imagination ;) 3)

There are Imperials, lots of them. Escaping the planet, if you cause a

ruckus, won't be very easy.

It sounds like a Hitman™ type story to me… very interesting. Plus, I’m mentioned, so go do it.

** [Ektrosis] AED's Challenge**

Vodo’s comp. Go ask him for details.

** [Ektrosis] My Top 10 Dark Wishes For Christmas... **

My comp, generally put in 10 wishes for Christmas and send it to me. I have 2 submissions atm, I’m hoping for more.

** _ Medals Received _**

Raistline – Legion of Scholar  keep up the medal churning

Amiz – CF x 9, SI(Scroll of Indoctrination), LoS(see Raist’s award)

** _ Stuff To Do _**

Submit to my comp, write up a short essay for Sklib, enter Tal level comp. Enjoy Christmas, wish me luck on my results.

dies at every mention of results

FONT<FONT COLOR="#FF0000>The Sith who is also a Krath,

Dark Jedi Knight DarkAmiz

Tetrarch of Hex Phyle </FONT>

Ps: if this works, me has shinies too. :P

<b> Links </b>

Dark Brotherhood -

Message Boards -

Antei Combat Center -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Codex -

Dark Compendium -

Dark Covenant -

Clan Taldryan -

House Ektrosis -

Battle Team Hex –

Taldryan Codex -

Competitions Page -

IRC Guide -

Clan Summit -

Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Summit (I’ve added my email here, even if I am not house summit yet.)-

Ektrosis Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Battle Team Hex Krath Tetrarch DarkAmiz ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

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