Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

17 December 2007

It's been a long time since I've reported. Apologies on that. Still not a ton to comment on, as business is basically going on as normal, but a few points to bring up so we'll get right to it.

Deputy Combat Master

Last week I chose the newest DCM, so congratulations go out to Juda Kodiak Erinos.
Although he hasn't been on staff for too long, he has however shown enthusasim and drive to help the ACC grow. Please include him in all e-mails that are sent regarding the ACC. If I'm in it, he should be as well. Thanks.

Championship Ladders

We are now in the semi-finals, but it's taken a bit of a sabattical as we approach the holiday season. The remaining participants are Sharad, Juda, Sklib and Fionn. Congratulations to them for getting this far!

*Custom Weapons *

A lot of people are still having Custom Weapons approved on their Character Sheets. If people want to "waste" points, then that is their prerogative. However, the new system is in effect and I have updated the ACC site to reflect this. I will paste the changes again however:

  • E-mail the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with a description and image for your weapon

  • The Combat Master will approve/deny the weapon, or make small adjustments the description so that it works within the ACC

  • Your weapon will then be listed on the Custom Weapons List

  • Your character sheet must have points placed within the specific "Weapon Type" of your Custom Weapon to use it in battle.

Basically, you no longer have to put points in directly for Custom Weapons. Instead, you put points in just the weapon types. The Custom slots however must still be used if you wish to have armour or other non-weapon items. The same goes for Sacramental Weapons. You no longer have to put them in a Custom slot, as long as you have the requisite points in the specific weapon type. All other rules governing how many weapons you may bring to a battle still apply.

When putting in your weapons for a battle, try and mention that a certain weapon is located on the Custom Weapon list. Even a simple (CW) next to the weapon name will help the staff to double-check your weapon and that you are able to use it.

*Competitions *

All Clans are welcome to use the ACC for their competitions. We have a competition section up on the ACC Compendium itself for general ideas and can be found here. Also, there is a form that should be used when you want to run an ACC competition. It allows the staff to then properly cater to your competition. You can find there here as well. None of this is new, but I thought I'd point it out again for those wanting to run anything in the future.

Future Changes/Competitions

In keeping with the competition theme, be on the look-out for ACC-related competitions in the new year. I'll be using the free time I have over the holidays to plan out some competitions that will be related to the ACC, as well as work on what changes are needed or if there are any additions that need to be done.

*Staff Changes *

Due to generally AWOLing, we've lost one of our staf members. However, as things have been pretty quiet, we should be ok on the staff front. I opened up the possibility of having Operators (those who do both Trainer and Judge jobs) and both of the current judges have decided to take up the mantle, meaning we now have a much larger staff to help out with those qualification battles. My thanks go out to Kraval and Kaek for their help.


As always, if anyone ever has any questions or comments for me, the best place to reach me is through e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. You can also ask general questions about the ACC on this forum post. Have a great week.

In darkness,

DJM Halcyon Rokir

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