-> ## News <-
*Tribune Update *
So I have moved. Settled in as best I can except for the fact my parents wanted to start huge renovations right away while still planning to host Christmas dinner here and were getting an addition started come January. Fun stuff. Luckily I managed to grab the only actual room in the place and have my computer and 360 set up so Ive been able to stay on top of the CFs, Crescents and stuff like that. This is my first report in a while and I was doing so good at the start too. Oh well, I never was great at keeping up a report schedule. I prefer to announce things as they come to me and doing a weekly report would just be a waste of precious news page space.
I encourage everyone to take a gander at this report as it contains some information on general gaming, a new poll, and a holiday competition. Enjoy.
Holiday Competition
Its surprising how difficult it is to come up with a holiday-themed competition centered around gaming. So, I decided to overlook the gaming part and go for a more holiday-themed competition centered around combat. So, from now until January 4th, you can submit your story, graphic, etc to me about your ultimate battle against a holiday-themed foe. Jedi vs Santa, Frosty, etc, etc. Have fun with it. Im not setting any hard requirements you can do what you like as long as it keeps to the theme of Dark Jedi versus Holiday Character(s). If you wish to send in fiction dont worry about the spelling and grammar and crap like that. Just make it entertaining, because that is what Im looking for. And if you want to grease the wheels a bit, I love the Futurama movie, which has a unique take on some of the holiday characters. If you want take on some fictional people too :P
Now, I realize this is a little outside the realm of gaming, but I figured we still have Gaming Nights and ICTE running, so something simple and fun should be a welcome break. You can send your submissions (yes, you can send in more than one) to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject: Holiday Battle Royale. Ive talked to Kraval and because its the holidays hes letting me award some Christmas-colored crescents. So if you place expect to see something in red, green, or white.
Link to competition page: Holiday Battle Royale
Bryar Bowl With a Vengeance
Since my last report the third Bryar Bowl has come and gone. Unfortunately, I was more than a bit rusty and ended up with the title of Bryar Bitch. Its a terrible shame (its even on my dossier) but somehow Ill persevere. The new, and our first returning Bryar Pimp is Sharad Taldrya Hett. The first person to win more than once, he now sports the illustrious Bryar Shield, which joins his Bryar Scepter. (Note: If you havent before you should check out the details of each of the Bryar Relics they are amusing :P) The final relic and the final Bryar Bowl in this run will commence some time in the future. Until then keep your bryars sharp.
Those of you interested in seeing how the matches went can check out the BBs Brackets.
-> ## Last Week(s) in Gaming <-
So its been a while since I mentioned the results of gaming. As everyone should be well aware (I hope), all the ICTE participants of December are earning double CFs for their matches played. This seems to be something people like as participation has jumped a lot these last couple weeks. In the first week of December we had a change of fortune and the DB finally came ahead with Malidir taking the title of All-Star. This last ICTE stayed the course and DB members took the top two spots. Congratulations to Dante on All-Star, and JScumm on a very close second place.
And now, since I love to plug my own work, Ill mention again that Ive updated the old ICTE Results sheets with a few sexy modifications, though it contains the same information youre used to seeing. Id also like to remind everyone that were now using a nifty little reporting site that Benevolent cooked up, which takes away the need for a Host to report matches to. Its really easy to use and I havent yet heard any complaints.
Two last things I want to mention about gaming. First is that for all of December the ICTEs are starting at midnight on Friday and running until midnight on Saturday so you can get a full 24 hours of gaming. Since this allows for more members to compete, and because its easier for me to start the bot at this time I may make this a permanent thing.
Secondly, as Gaming Night activity has hit a bit of a snag lately, what with the holidays and such, Im thinking of implementing a new rule regarding the awarding of the Pendant of Blood. These last few weeks have only seen a moderate amount of people participating something around five, which I feel isnt enough to justify the awarding of a PoB, which is supposed to be somewhat difficult to earn. Therefore, Im proposing that the Pendant of Blood only be awarded when a certain amount of participation is reached. Say 10/15/etc members.
I dont want to change this arbitrarily so Im going to start a poll to see what everyone thinks. If everyone thinks things are fine as is well keep it so for now, but I hate to see a rare medal get overused and devalued. So hopefully everyone will make a good choice. You can find the poll under the name: Participants Required for Pendant of Blood in the Polling Center (login its in your admin options). It somehow didnt make it to the top of the list so youll have to scroll a bit.
-> ## Useful Links <-
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