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**Dark Fire Brigade News **
<li> The membership has stayed fairly steady this week, so no change one way or another. <li> Overall really, it's been a very slow week. However, there are many competitions out that cover just about every aspect of activity. That means there are many ways to have some fun, as well as help yourself gain that next promotion, and hopefully one day receiving your lightsaber!
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</li></li></li><tr> <td bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#003300"> <center> *Activity Reports * </center></td></tr>
Sidarace <li> Has been seen on IRC quite often, and has been inquiring about the various activity
Laden <li>Completed his character history
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#003300">
-> Competitions
</td> </tr> </table> <li>The Dinaari Caption Competition! is a House-wide competition on the forums. It's very easy to participate in, and it's an easy way for low-ranking members to get that next promotion Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3037
<li>Dark Fire Brigade Headquarters is your chance to make a "home" for us and runs until the end of the year. Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3065
<li>Dark Fire Brigade Logo - Design a logo for your Battleteam. This also runs until the end of the year. Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3115
<li>The SHAFT:CTF Edition (December) - For those of you with the game Jedi Outcast, this is a staple of the Clan and a truly EPIC competition. It can also be played with Jedi Academy, but JO is where it really shines. So get with your Clan-mates and play! Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3111
<li>Kr'Tal Festivals - Write about what's happening around our Clan system during the holidays. Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3112
<li>Party Time Run-On - There's a Run-On happening on the Taldryan Messageboard. It isn't serious, so have fun and enjoy yourself! Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3113 and Run-On is at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4921
<li>Holiday Battle Royale - Submit a fiction/graphic/anything that depicts an EPIC battle against a holiday foe. Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=3122
<li>ICTE December X-Travaganza! Every Saturday the ICTE runs on IRC in the #outerrim channel. For the month of December, will run the entire day (EST) on Saturday, from midnight to midnight. Also, double (2 times) the CFs will be awarded for all games. The more you play, the more medals you get!
<li>Gaming Nights - From Monday-Friday you can go to #dbgaming and find a match with others in the DB. Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2872
<li>SA Trivia - Every weekend there is trivia held in #shadowacademy, so go and have some fun. Details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2381
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#003300">** ** -> Taldryan/DJB News <- </td> </tr> </table> <li>Submit to the Taldryan Times! It's our own newsletter that contains funny articles or anything related to Star Wars, the Dark Brotherhood or Taldryan
<li>Tarentum has a new Consul in Anshar. As such, Headmaster is now open for applications
<li>There is a new Fiction Tribune in the form of Raken, so congrats go to him
<li>The latest DGM report has some fancy graphics, previewing some of the cool features we'll see in the future
<li>For those of you really into Star Wars, there's a new "Legacy" comic being released soon. There's also a new Legacy novel called "Fury"; a new RPH book detailing various ships of SW and a new Essential Guide to the Force
<li> For more DB News, check out the...News Page! http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#003300">** ** -> Conclusion <- </td> </tr> </table>
Again, it's been a pretty slow week, although there are a lot of new competitions out. Submitting to these competitions is how you earn your ranks and really become noticed. Since it's only a few days away and I won't be reporting before then, Merry Christmas everyone. Hope you enjoy the holidays!
As always, if you have any problems/concerns/comments, please feel free to e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks and have a great week everyone!
-> <table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bordercolor="#CCCCCC" bgcolor="#003300">** **<center>Important Links </center></td> </tr> </table> <-
Dark Brotherhood - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php
Antei Combat Center - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Shadow Academy - http://sa.darkjedibrotherhood.com/
Dark Brotherhood Wiki - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php
Dark Brotherhood Competitions Listing - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionListing.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.net/
Taldryan Codex - http://www.taldryan.net/tal_codex/
Competitions Page - http://www.taldryan.net/competitions.php
IRC Guide - http://www.taldryan.net/dinaari/irc_guide.php
In Darkness,
Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir
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