Since I am no longer Quaestor of Primus Goluud, I am opening it up for applications. This is what I'm looking for:
1) Email response time of 24-48 hours
2) Constant IRC presence (the more you're on IRC, the better)
3) Atleast some skill in playing the obbie platforms
4) Ideas on how to make HPG better and more active
Include a brief bit of info on any previous leadership experience, atleast 5 possible competitions you'd run to increase activity, and any other skills that you have that might help you and the house.
References are a plus as are Level editing and custom skinning skills, but are not required.
Please send all applications to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ASAP.
~Jonuss Rai
Proconsul of Naga Sadow
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