==House Galeres Quaestor Report #5==
This will be an unorthodox report. I say this first because, to put it plainly, it really will be. It wont have anything in the way of medals and promotions, comings and goings etc because I want to focus solely on what Im actually about to write, and not just churn something out for the sake of sticking it on the database and looking active.
December was one of the crappest months Ive faced, DB and RL wise Ive dropped the ball majorly and youve suffered. Im sorry. Im not going to make excuses and if you want to grill me, please do. Send me a private email and let me know how crap Ive been. However, and this is a crucial point, put something constructive in there. Tell me how I can improve in your eyes. Ive asked before and had no response, but tell me what you want to see. Want to see some fictional fleshing out of Galeres? Tell me. Want a shed-load of gaming comps? Sure thing, but let me know or I cant do jack. See where Im coming from? My communication has been crap, and I need to improve, but we all do. The Galeres mailing list is relatively silent. Apart from a report here and there, there isnt much to see. I want this to change, but I cant do it by will alone. Tell us all whatever you want. Think something is funny? Let us know, I can guarantee some of us will be laughing along with you.
Galeres is in danger of losing our spot as Arconas top house. I know I dont want to see that, so I hope you will help me turn this around. I may sit in the big seat with the ops, but without you lot and your support Im less than useless.
There is one bit of real news however, and that is the news that I am taking applications for Aedile. Want the spot? Mail me and cc Sashar and Mejas. Tell me why you should get it. And make sure you can work with me, just because youll have to really:P
There will be a proper report out next week btw, so look forward to that.
Hugs and kisses
SBM Zandro Savric Erinos (Sith)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [ACC: CL:2-ACE]
GC / SC-SoF / AC / DC-CP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-3R-11A-7S-5E-5T-1Q / CF-GoF / DSS / LS / S:-5D-2Do-7Dk-8P
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