Title: Circle 1 Website
I would like to put up this competition for you all to do in whatever spare time you have. I would like to have a website for our BT. I want one that has all of the information that the link on this website has, members, ranks, emails, reports, and the motto. I would also like to have a 'newspage' and a 'whiteboard' so that I can get any anouncements for you guys on there and you guys can leave messages for the others if you need to. The sooner you have this complete, the better.
Start Date: 1/6/2008
End Date: 1/21/2008
Unit in Competition: Battle Team Circle 1
3rd level cresents if website is extreemly complex, 4th if it is an average site.
Experiment with this. You can sort information any way you like, have as many links on the page to get to the information as you like, as long as it looks good I do not care.
Note: Please email me a link or the code for your page at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
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