Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Straight off following Zandro’s is another sombre report…

I’ve had some ongoing RL issues since .. well the larger part of my life and suffice to stay they’re coming to somewhat of a height/close in the near future and are going to get a lot darker. In early December I got quite a scare which has since turned out into some equally crappy news which somewhat forced me into hiding over the holidays as there were certain things that needed to be done and I had to, for part, shelve my DB duties for a while. From what I can see this sort of period is likely to last for the next six months to a year. Now you might be asking yourself if I’m likely to disappear off at some point. The answer is no, the DB should hopefully provide me with a release/distraction over the coming months as well as an important network of support which I will probably start to rely on more and more. There’s not much more I’d like to blast over the DB channels (those of you in the know will most likely understand) but I thought a little reassurance in writing would go a long way.

Competition wise, there’s some stuff on the way as you will no doubt know but as for mine .. well the turnout was frankly really disappointing, I received a total of two submissions for the Solo Missions, none from you. I’m toying with the idea of keeping the comp open for a little while as perhaps the Christmas period was a bit distracting for all of us never the less I’ll let you know…

Now, what did you all get for Christmas?

I got Call of Duty 4 which is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played but that maybe surpassed by Crisis which I’ve yet to play as my computer at Uni is the only thing able to run the damn thing.

Apart from that I bid you adieu… and happy new year!

Keep it Tidy

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