10 January 2008
Getting this out there so I'm not considered dead on the job. Things have been pretty "steady" in general...at least on the front end of things. There are some other things brewing behind the scenes, but these are mostly plans/projects that won't be released for some time
Championship Ladders
The semi-finals are in full-gear. It will still be a few weeks before these battles are finished, but good luck to the last four. I hope to read some exciting battles at the end!
*Custom Weapons *(This is an on-going thing, since people don't seem to read these reports :P)
A lot of people are still having Custom Weapons approved on their Character Sheets. If people want to "waste" points, then that is their prerogative. However, the new system is in effect and I have updated the ACC site to reflect this. I will paste the changes again however:
E-mail the [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with a description and image for your weapon
The Combat Master will approve/deny the weapon, or make small adjustments the description so that it works within the ACC
Your weapon will then be listed on the Custom Weapons List
Your character sheet must have points placed within the specific "Weapon Type" of your Custom Weapon to use it in battle.
Basically, you no longer have to put points in directly for Custom Weapons. Instead, you put points in just the weapon types. The Custom slots however must still be used if you wish to have armour or other non-weapon items. The same goes for Sacramental Weapons. You no longer have to put them in a Custom slot, as long as you have the requisite points in the specific weapon type. All other rules governing how many weapons you may bring to a battle still apply.
When putting in your weapons for a battle, try and mention that a certain weapon is located on the Custom Weapon list. Even a simple (CW) next to the weapon name will help the staff to double-check your weapon and that you are able to use it.
*Future Competitions *
This is something I've been slipping with. There have been/are plans for a co-operative event with a storyline based around the ACC itself. Now, I just need to put the ideas all on paper and get this thing started. I know people have had fun with these in the past, so I really want to get this out for everyone.
Future Changes
There will be some changes to certain aspects of the ACC in the future. The largest of these will be a more robust character sheet containing some fancy new options. But this is still quite a ways away. However, the idea is to have this character sheet usable outside of just the ACC, meaning it will be slightly expanded so that it makes a bit more sense from a character-aspect, and won't be exclusively "combat related". Another changes will be a large-scale update of the ACC Compendium. Dalthid is the lead on this project, and the idea is to update everything that's out of date, as well as focusing all on ACC-exclusive information. Just like every computer game has a manual, this will be the "manual" for the ACC.
*Ramblings *
At this point I'm going to ramble a bit on a topic...feel free to ignore :P However, you may learn or understand things better. It's basically concerning the Character Sheet. Specifically, the Weapons/Handedness section of it. While Star Wars is a fantastical universe...it's science fiction crossed with fantasy. Even though it isn't "real", there is a sort of realism that does go into it, and that is something that is needed when trying to do any sort of RPing. The character sheet is a tool to keep a semblance of realism in this big world. Not everyone Acolyte can have the powers of Palpatine, and the idea is that as you grow in rank (ie. Do more in the RL world of the DB), then your character also "grow" and becomes more powerful. That is the "reward" for being active. Alright, so the point about skills in weapons and handedness. Many people cannot use both hands perfectly. For the most part you have a dominant hand. Wielding a weapon in battle is not "easy". Therefore, it's a good assumption that you will normally only be able to wield a weapon in one hand. I have actually discussed this with people who do train in RL with weapons such as swords. It's one thing to be a master at it in your dominant hand. It's another to master it in your off-hand, and a whole other deal with then use both at the same time. There is also nothing to say that you HAVE to "master" a weapon.
Everyone wants to be "perfect" in terms of weapons and their handedness skill. However, that isn't realistic in any sense. Instead, why not put perhaps a 4 in strong hand, a 2 in off hand and 3 and 4s in weapons themselves? Make your character a little imperfect. Give him (or her) a sense of depth and "reality". The point is, just because you want your character to be a master of all weapons and dual-wield them all, the world (real or fictional) doesn't work that way. This is where you use your imagination and really make your character "real".
As always, if anyone ever has any questions or comments for me, the best place to reach me is through e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. You can also ask general questions about the ACC on this forum post. Have a great week.
In darkness,
DJM Halcyon Rokir
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