Aedile Report


Aedile Report

-> ### AED Report #11 <-

The two sabers clashed, and sizzled. The air cackled with the brilliant meeting of the two blades of energy. Vodo jumped backwards, and lunged into a brilliant flurry of attacks, only to be countered by Sklib’s budding knowledge of Soresu. They trained often in this way, trading off offense and Defense to train the other the fine skills they possessed, and only grew stronger for it. Hours passed by, and then days, and then weeks. Time seemed to be moving quickly these days, especially now that people had begun returning from wherever it was that they had gone. Even a grim faced Vardar had been seen wandering the halls after a long stint at the newly commissioned Library of Lears.

It was a good tiding. Big things were looming on the horizon. Vodo could see faint traces of it through the Force. His new found abilities in precognitive visions was still vastly under powered, with events appearing fuzzy and disjointed, with only a mere feeling of what was to happen, coming through with any clarity. With time, and training, perhaps one day he would become a powerful user of the ability to peer into the future.



Ok, so we have some big news!

This week, we got news that the Grand Master made it to Iraq safely, and will be able to start resuming his work hopefully in the next few weeks. He and the DGM also chose a new Head Master for the Shadow Academy. You can now call Aabsdu di Plagia your (head) Master. He seems to have big plans for the Envoy system, so we’ll see where he takes that.

I would also like to commend those of you who have found ways to donate some time to the Brotherhood despite hectic schedules, school, and work. I was pleased with the level of activity so far this month, and I would like to see a rise from here on out.

As I alluded to in my report, there are several big competitions slated for this spring and early summer. I won’t reveal any specifics, but look for something that hasn’t been seen in Taldryan for a long time!



Shadow Academy

Narad Na Lexu:

Krath Core <-- GREAT JOB!!!


Hel-Pa Sklib:

1 x Legion of the Scholar


1 x Crescent with Topaz

Vodo Biask:

1 x Crescent with Emerald

Dark Amiz:

1 x Crescent with Emerald

1 x Crescent with Sapphire

Lokasena “Sena” Corvinus:

1 x Crescent with Amethyst

_Promotions and Achievements: _

Acolyte Narad Na Lexu was promoted to the rank of Protector! Great job, keep it up!

Protector Narad Na Lexu raised his ACC Rank to Neophyte! Get to it!



If I missed anything at all, feel free to email me and inform me. I will amend my report on the DB Site, and make a note of it on the mailing list.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood :

Clan Taldryan :

House Ektrosis :

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