==House Galeres Quaestor Report #6==
A nice week as everyone keeps getting used to fact we somehow lost another year and have landed in 2008.
Im still looking for an Aedile, so get those submissions in because soon Ill open it to the whole DB if we dont find an Arconan who wants it.
Im gonna run a little test. If you have read this report properly, email me with the phrase Thats right Jerry, my willy has been cut off. Just so I can get a feel for who and how many people read these things.
All other news in your sector can be found at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp
Big Arcona comp is in the works, and it looks to be very, very sexy. Stay tuned
Kieran has started up a RO for the whole of Arcona. Find it at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4994&pid=173289&st=0&#entry173289 and participate!
Medals for Galerians this week:
Malidir PoBx1, CFx3,
Legorii Cr-1S
JScumm CFx61
Wolvie CFx6
Rho AC
Caedes SI
Dathka Lukkel to Novice and then to Acolyte, excellent work!
Caedes IRC Basics
Kruger Selenis History of Sith Empire I
Acerbus Grimm, SR7
None :)
Lets see who reads these :P
The Clash Stay Free
Thanks guys, until next time
SBM Zandro Savric Erinos (Sith)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [ACC: CL:2-ACE]
GC / SC-SoF / AC / DC-CP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-3R-11A-7S-5E-5T-1Q / CF-GoF / DSS / LS / S:-5D-2Do-7Dk-8P
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