Well, we have a new Right Hand of Justice, and there is some debate regarding the Society of Envoys. Other than that, not too much is going on that really involves the whole DB.
Not much going on in terms of the Clan either, but Consul Anshar has something up his sleeve that we should be looking forward to.
In terms of the House, Telona is still running her competition to describe the Sword's Sheath, and I would recommend participating. Medals and leaving your mark on Gladius? Who could ask for more?
Abraxus Macedon got the Legion of the Scholar medal! Excellent.
Also, I'm running the first Praxeum-only run-on! This will be a great way to help us establish some real unity, as well as contribute the both Gladius history and our own.
Well, I'm completely revamping my character. The Mandalorian concept got old, and there are a ton of Mandos running around. As I'm sure you've noticed (or haven't, in which case this will be news for you :P) I changed my name to better reflect this, and I will also soon be changing my wiki to match my history here, as well as expound on it. :D
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