First of all I would like to say that I am honoured to be Galeres Aedile (and Clan Envoy)... and second of all I would like to say that this report is way over due. But that's OK, cause here it is. I can tell you that I will be doing my best to help make this House and this Clan one of, if not THE best clan in the Brotherhood. I know that a lot of other leaders have claimed the same thing, but I truly believe that we are at a place in the history of Arcona which we can confidently call a turning point! I believe very strongly in the leadership of this Mighty Clan and I know we will do great things!
Alrighty then... enough with that.
There are just a few things that I want to cover in this report so I can let all of you know what's available to you as members of Galeres. I will be speaking to you as both AED and Clan Envoy since I happen to fill both shoes.
Shadow Oath
First off, I want to talk to everyone about our recently acquired Shadow Oath. This dictates that those who are below the Rank of Protector have one month from their join dates to be promoted to Protector. If this rank is not achieved within that time you will be sent to Rogues in a tremendously violent way. If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to contact me. Now, of course we have a little bit of leeway on this because if you are showing some promising activity and you convince me to not throw you off a mountain, then I will extend to you another few days. Ok, now that that's is covered.....
Master / Student Program
Secondly, I would like to talk about the Master/Student Program. I'm quite pleased that there are quite a few in the Clan who are taking advantage of this program, but there really should be more.
The Brotherhood may look huge and overwhelming to you and it may take some time before you learn the ways of the club. By joining this program as a Student, you will have someone specifically assigned to help you on your first contact with the Brotherhood. The Master Student Program is a way for you to interact directly with one of our more experienced members. This person, known as a Master, will guide you along a structured promotion guideline that all members must complete.
Your Master will give you assignments and offer advice. The nature of these assignments will be up to the Master to decide. The assignments will always be reasonable and consistent with your main area of interest. The number of assignments will be in line with your rank and with the Arcona Promotional Guidelines.
Keep in mind that the Arcona Promotional Guidelines are simply a list of minimum requirements for advancement. There may be additional tasks required of you. These are usually things that your Master believes are vital to your continued success in the Brotherhood and should not be taken lightly. Your Master is helping you to achieve greatness.
The Master Student Program is one that has existed ever since there were Jedi roaming the galaxy. It is a special bond formed by two Jedi and continues on long after you reach your goal of Dark Jedi Knight and begin to take on Apprentices of your own. You can then build and wield your own lightsaber and begin to pass on your knowledge to others, training them to become Knights as well.
Those are the two main areas that I would like to highlight for you tonight. Let's make the most of our resources and maximize our potential!
Keep Your Eyes Open and GO POST!
Finally, please keep your eyes pealed for some fun and low-key competitions coming your way. Right now there are a couple really awesome ones going on, like the RO (GO POST!), but the ones I will be offering will be a lot less intense and just an opportunity to have a little mindless fun.
That is all.
SW Rho d'Tana, AED, KCE
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